Unit 1 Globalisation, Іноземна мова
« НазадMODULE 1Unit 1 GlobalisationVocabularyIn order to be able to discuss different aspects of globalisation you need to consider its concept and definition. For this purpose you can use the following glossaries of terms: 1. Glossary of economic terms and concepts: http://www.economicsforeveryone.ca/files/uploads/glossary_0.pdf 2. Economics for everyone: on-line glossary of terms & concepts By Jim Stanford: http://www.economicswisconsin.org/guide/glossary.htm 3. Economic Glossary – the Complete Economic Terms and Definitions: http://glossary.econguru.com/ 4. Glossaries of Economic Terms 4.1. http://www.economicsnetwork.ac.uk/teaching/glossaries 4.2. Glossary: A-Z of business terminology Language focus: do the exercise to be able to comment on the influence of globalisation processes at http://lopngoaingu.com/quiz/ advanced-business-english-test-231-p.10003.html Reading 1Read the information about the economy, politics, law and culture. Answer the questions concerning the problems involved in globalisation process:
To be able to cope with these issues use the information resource: http://globalization.site11.com/html/modules.php?name=Content GRAMMAR REVIEWComparingWe use comparative adjectives to describe people and things: This car is certainly better but it’s much more expensive. We use than when we want to compare one thing with another: She is two years older than me. When we want to describe how something or someone changes we can use two comparatives with and: The balloon got bigger and bigger. We often use the with comparative adjectives to show that one thing depends on another: When you drive faster it is more dangerous Superlative adjectives: We use the with a superlative: It was the happiest day of my life. For more information see Market Leader. Course book. Intermediate business English/ D.Cotton, D.Falvey, S.Kent: Longman, 2001 (p. 134) [1] Check your understanding of grammar and do the exercises: http://lessons.englishgrammar101.com/EnglishGrammar101/ Module1/Lesson1-33.aspx http://lessons.englishgrammar101.com/EnglishGrammar101/ Module1/Lesson1-34.aspx http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=5241 http://www.english-4u.de/comparison_ex1.htm http://www.english-4u.de/comparison_ex2.htm http://www.english-4u.de/comparison_ex3.htm http://www.english-4u.de/comparison_ex4.htm http://www.english-4u.de/comparison_ex5.htm http://www.english-4u.de/comparison_ex6.htm Reading 2Read the article by Elton Gahr about the influence of globalisation on people, businesses and countries Information resource: http://www.helium.com/items/2079967-costs-and-benefits-of-globalization COSTS AND BENEFITS OF GLOBALIZATIONGlobalization is one of the strongest forces changing the modern world. It has changed the way governments and individuals see the world and altered the way that corporations do business. There are very few things in the modern world which have not been affected in some way by globalization, and yet whether this is a force for good or ill is a question that has yet to be answered because there are both major costs and major benefits to globalization. One of the primary drivers of globalization is business. Any large business in the modern world is in some way international. From call centers to manufacturing and finally sales, it is difficult for any modern business to compete without being a global business. This has led to lower prices for consumers, more varied choice of products, more competition in the market and the ability to scale businesses and specialize. On the negative side, large public businesses are largely forced by the market to constantly increase in size and put business ahead of people. In a global economy exploiting workers is easier because countries attempting to improve conditions can lose jobs to countries who are not requiring better conditions. The same can be true of environmental concerns as businesses often choose to build new factories in countries with lower environmental standards. This has allowed many businesses to move outside of the control of any government. Beyond business the globalization of the world has other major effects. One of the most notable of these is the erosion of culture. Countries which once had vastly different cultures have melded together. In many cases this is a good thing reducing the likelihood of conflict around the world, but it is also a loss because diversity of culture and idea is vital to innovation and change in the world. The final cost and benefit that needs to be considered with globalization is the environment. More than any other issue the environment is global. The environmental choices of individual countries have large effects on others. It is also where the questions of cost and benefit are most pronounced. The costs of globalization are both in transportation which consumes resources and the increase in the resources used by developing nations. This puts far more stress on the global environment, but it also has the potential to vastly improve the lives of those living in developing nations. In addition global treaties and agreements on these issues have engaged citizens globally and caused far more people to think of themselves as citizens of the world. This has moved beyond environmentalism and the growing ability to think globally is one of the few effects of globalism which does not have any major drawbacks. Answer the questions:
Skills: Managing telephoning callsImprove your telephone skills. Read and listen to the examples of telephone connecting, leaving messages, dialing the wrong numbers. Put down the useful phrases and words. Use the information resource: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/ business/talkingbusiness/unit1telephone/1connecting.shtml Revision: check up your understandong and knowledge of the topic at http://quizlet.com/16873474/test/ For more information see Market Leader. Course book. Intermediate business English/ D.Cotton, D.Falvey, S.Kent: Longman, 2001 (p. 6-13) [1] З повагою ІЦ "KURSOVIKS"! |