Вказівки до виконання завдань з дисципліни Англійська мова
« Назад Написати всі вправи. Вправа 1. Перекладіть економічний текст з анлійської на українську мови. Зверніть увагу на використання лексичних та граматичних трансформацій. Merger attempt with London Stock ExchangeIn December of 2005, the London Stock Exchange (LSE) rejected a £1.6 billion takeover offer from Macquarie Bank. The LSE described the offer as "derisory." It then received a bid in March of 2006 for £2.4 billion from NASDAQ, which was also rejected by the LSE. NASDAQ later pulled its bid, and less than two weeks later on April 11, 2006, struck a deal with LSE's largest shareholder, Ameriprise Financial's Threadneedle Asset Management unit, to acquire all of that firm's stake, consisting of 35.4 million shares, at £11.75 per share.[2] NASDAQ also purchased 2.69 million additional shares, resulting in a total stake of 15%. While the seller of those shares was undisclosed, it occurred simultaneously with a sale by Scottish Widows of 2.69 million shares.[3] The move was seen as an effort to force LSE to negotiate either a partnership or eventual merger, as well as to block other suitors such as NYSE.[4] Subsequent purchases increased NASDAQ's stake to 25.1%, holding off competing bids for several months.[5][6][7] United Kingdom financial rules required that NASDAQ wait for a period of time before renewing its effort. Within a month or two of the expiration of this period, NASDAQ increased its stake to 28.75% and relaunched a formal tender offer at the minimum permitted bid of £12.43 per share, which was the highest NASDAQ had paid on the open market for its existing shares.[8] On prior occasions, NASDAQ had been spurned by LSE chief Clara Furse, and this time elected to go directly to the board of the London exchange. LSE's options had diminished by this time as two of the three most likely competing bidders, NYSE Group and Euronext, were close to finalizing their own merger, while Deutsche Börse, the third, had dropped out of the contest.[8] The LSE immediately rejected this bid, stating that it "substantially undervalues" the company.[9] NASDAQ revised its offer (characterized as an "unsolicited" bid, rather than a "hostile takeover attempt") on December 12, 2006, indicating that it would be able to complete the deal with 50% (plus one share) of LSE's stock, rather than the 90% it had been seeking. The U.S. exchange did not, however, raise its bid. Many hedge funds had accumulated large positions within the LSE, and many managers of those funds, as well as Furse, indicated that the bid was still not satisfactory. One fund manager, echoing the sentiments of many of the rest of LSE's stockholders, stated "It's not a bad price, but the LSE's board tells us it is worth more and I am inclined to agree with them at the moment." NASDAQ's bid was made more difficult due to British bidding rules, which restricted their ability to raise its offer except under certain circumstances, though currency hedging had partially protected NASDAQ against the British pound's 3% value increase (relative to the dollar) during the bidding process.
Вправа 2. Перекладіть речення, використовуючи векторну трансформацію: 1. Відомі богослови опинилися під ковпаком спецслужб. 2. Але мене особисто серйозно турбує можливість уніфікації, універсалізації культур в умовах неминучості загальної глобалізації світових процесів.3. Будинок №1 по цій вулиці був побудований у 1732 році для сімї Фейрфакс, а слідом аристократія забудувала й усю вулицю. 4. Місто Балаклава стало знаменитим завдяки поемі «Атака легкої бригади» англійського поета Альфреда Теннісона.5. До Чорного моря надходять також через річку Дон води значної частки сходу європейської частини Росії. 6. У 1873 році мадам Блавацька, як завжди її називали, переїхала до міста Нью-Йорка. 7. Що ж нового дала зустріч у ЄС? 8. Від кого ви все знаєте? 9.До США прибуло три хвилі української еміграції. 10. На тій стороні грало радіо.
Вправа 3. Перекладіть економічний текст з анлійської на українську мови. Зверніть увагу на використання лексичних та граматичних трансформацій. FOREXThe foreign exchange (currency or forex or FX) market exists wherever one currency is traded for another. It is by far the largest market in the world, in terms of cash value traded, and includes trading between large banks, central banks, currency speculators, multinational corporations, governments, and other financial markets and institutions. The trade happening in the forex markets across the globe currently exceeds $1.9 trillion/day (on average). Retail traders (individuals) are currently a very small part of this market and may only participate indirectly through brokers or banks and may be targets of forex scams. According to David Krutz from the Financial Times website (Published: October 9 2006 20:48) " The foreign exchange market will have doubled in size in just three years next year, thanks to increased participation by fund managers and pension funds, says research out on Monday. TowerGroup, a financial services research consultancy, said it expected total global average daily volumes on the FX market to exceed $3,000bn in 2007. FX volumes, which rose from $1,770bn in 2004 to $2,000bn in 2005, were set to rise to $2,600bn in 2006 and $3,600bn for 2007, as foreign exchange became accepted as an asset class in its own right according to TowerGroup. HistoryThe forex market is a cash inter-bank or inter-dealer market, which was established in 1971 [citation needed] when floating exchange rates began to appear. The foreign exchange market is huge in comparison to other markets. For example, the average daily trading volume of US Treasury Bonds is $300 billion and the US stock market has an average daily volume of less than $10 billion. Ten years ago the Wall Street Journal estimated the daily trading volume in the forex market to be in excess of $1 trillion. Today that figure has grown to exceed $1.8 trillion a day. Prior to 1971 an agreement called the Bretton Woods Agreement prevented speculation in the currency markets. The Bretton Woods Agreement was set up in 1945 with the aim of stabilizing international currencies and preventing money fleeing across nations. This agreement fixed all national currencies against the dollar and set the dollar at a rate of $35 per ounce of gold. Prior to this agreement the gold exchange standard had been used since 1876. The gold standard used gold to back each currency and thus prevented kings and rulers from arbitrarily debasing money and triggering inflation. Institutions like the Federal Reserve System of the United States have this kind of power. The gold exchange standard had its own problems however. As an economy grew it would import goods from overseas until it ran its gold reserves down. As a result the country’s money supply would shrink resulting in interest rates rising and a slowing of economic activity to the extent that a recession would occur. Eventually the recession would cause prices of goods to fall so low that they appeared attractive to other nations. This in turn led to an inflow of gold back into the economy and the resulting increase in money supply saw interest rates fall and the economy strengthen. These boom-bust patterns prevailed throughout the world during the gold exchange standard years until the outbreak of World War I which interrupted the free flow of trade and thus the movement of gold. After the war the Bretton Woods Agreement was established, where participating countries agreed to try and maintain the value of their currency with a narrow margin against the dollar. A rate was also used to value the dollar in relation to gold. Countries were prohibited from devaluing their currency to improve their trade position by more than 10%. Following World War II international trade expanded rapidly due to post-war construction and this resulted in massive movements of capital. This destabilized the foreign exchange rates that had been set-up by the Bretton Woods Agreement.
Вправа 4. Перекладіть речення, вживаючи компресію при перекладі (трансформуючи українські речення в англійський дієприкметниковий, герундіальний або інфінітивний зворот): 1. Усі цивілізовані народи навчилися записувати в конституції статті, що виключають появу в їхній країні тирана. 2. Віра у вищу силу, що допомагає людині праведно жити, перегукується із закликом Христа творити молитву таємно, закривши за собою двері від сторонніх очей. 3.Третя тема, що випливає з огляду історії техніки-це зростання важливості освіти. 4. Археологи та історики мистецтва прочитають лекції, кожна з яких супроводжується показом слайдів. 5. У 1785 році у Портсмуті родиною містера Джива була заснована майстерня, в якій шили форму для англійських моряків. 6. Першою цивілізацією, яка розвинула струнку систему дипломатії, була стародавня Греція. 7.ці два аспекти настільки тісно пов’язані між собою, що їх не можна відокремити один від одного. 8.В японських енциклопедіях В.Ярошенко подається як класик японської літератури, і його твори представлені в японських хрестоматіях та антологіях. 9.Керівники ЦРУ, які завжди були вдячними призначенцями президента, залишаються у першу чергу «людьми команди» і лише в другу – безсторонніми аналітиками інформації. 10. Ідея виникла в мене, коли я спостерігав його у справі.
Вправа 5. Перекладіть економічний текст з анлійської на українську мови. Зверніть увагу на використання лексичних та граматичних трансформацій. Financial InstrumentsThere are several types of financial instruments commonly used. Forward transaction: One way to deal with the Forex risk is to engage in a forward transaction. In this transaction, money does not actually change hands until some agreed upon future date. A buyer and seller agree on an exchange rate for any date in the future, and the transaction occurs on that date, regardless of what the market rates are then. The duration of the trade can be a few days, months or years. Futures: Foreign currency futures are forward transactions with standard contract sizes and maturity dates — for example, 500,000 British pounds for next November at an agreed rate. Futures are standardized and are usually traded on an exchange created for this purpose. The average contract length is roughly 3 months. Futures contracts are usually inclusive of any interest amounts. Swap: The most common type of forward transaction is the currency swap. In a swap, two parties exchange currencies for a certain length of time and agree to reverse the transaction at a later date. These are not contracts and are not traded through an exchange. Spot: A spot transaction is a two-day delivery transaction, as opposed to the Futures contracts, which are usually three months. This trade represents a “direct exchange” between two currencies, has the shortest time frame, involves cash rather than a contract; and interest is not included in the agreed-upon transaction. The data for this study come from the Spot market.
Вправа 6. Перекладіть речення за рахунок вживання у перекладі „адвербіальних дієслів” та компресії. (Приклад. Лімузин уповільнив хід і тихо зупинився на початку довгої автостради, обсаженої деревами. A limousine drifted slilently to a stop at the foot of the long tree-lined driveway.) 1. Мені наказали стати біля стіни, а моїй дружині наказали стати біля дверей прикомірка. 2. Звиваючись у трубах цього нульового простору як черв‘як, я руками намацував невидимі речі. 3. „О, так”, швидко відповіла вона. „Ти міг би одружитися і стати багатим або ж можеш зробити собі великі гроші сам.” 4. Поїзд дав гудок і зупинився. 5. На верхній палубі лайнера, крекнувши, ожив і заговорив гучномовець: „Будь ласка, повідомте, чим ви займаєтеся.” 6. Івану грубо допомогли підвестися на ноги і потім його ретельно обшукали. 7. Вона натисла на декілька клавіш на терміналі і принтер, клацнувши, ожив, а потім видав пластикову картку. 8. Після невеличкої паузи гучномовець знову ожив, крекнувши, і заговорив. 9. Потім вона відправилася копати і докопалася до горожі, де зупинилася відпочити. 10. Олексій, перед тим, як продовжити, на знак згоди кивнув головою.
Вправа 7. Перекладіть економічний текст з анлійської на українську мови. Зверніть увагу на використання лексичних та граматичних трансформацій. Market ParticipantsUnlike a stock market, where all participants have access to the same prices, the Forex market is divided into levels of access. At the top is the inter-bank market, which is made up of the largest investment banking firms. Within the Inter-bank market, spreads, which are the difference between the bid and ask prices, are razor sharp and usually unavailable, and not known, to players outside the inner circle. As you descend the levels of access, the difference between the bid and ask prices widens. This is due to volume. If a trader can guarantee large numbers of transactions for large amounts, they can demand a smaller difference between the bid and ask price, which is referred to as a better spread. The levels of access that make up the Forex market are determined by the size of the “line” (the amount of money with which they are trading). The top-tier inter-bank market accounts for 53% of all transactions. After that there are usually smaller investment banks, followed by large multi-national corporations (which need to hedge risk and pay employees in different countries), large hedge funds, and even some of the retail Forex market makers. According to Galati and Melvin , “Pension funds, insurance companies, mutual funds, and other institutional investors have played an increasingly important role in financial markets in general, and in FX markets in particular, since the early 2000s.” (2004) In addition, he notes, “Hedge funds have grown markedly over the 2001-2004 period in terms of both number and overall size” Central banks also participate in the Forex market in order to align currencies to their economic needs.
Вправа 8. Перекладіть речення. 1. Він поклав руки у кишені штанів і потім зненацька нахилився вперед. 2. Вікторія, вокаліста гурту, сама з Луцька, а освіту отримала в Київському університеті. 3. З тієї миті вона втратила присутність духу. 4. Після того, як маніак вдарив суперзірку світового тенісу Моніку Селеш ножем, вона все ще не може піднімати руки, аби розчісувати волосся. 5. Після прибуття до України нелегальні іммігранти звичайно розчинюються на її безмежних просторах. 6. Втомившись від пірнання, а ще більше від думок, я лежав на скелях. 7. На вустах крутилася цитата з Біблії, але я притримав язика. 8. Я падав на ліжко і спав до ранку, як убитий. 9. Чесно кажучи, я був так ошелешений, що втратив голову. 10. Рік потому виборці затвердили нову конституцію, що зміцнювала його владу і усунула перешкоди на його шляху до переобрання. З повагою ІЦ "KURSOVIKS"!