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The 10th International Symposium on Bilingualism will be hosted by Rutgers University, New Jersey, from 20-24 May, 2015
DEADLINE for abstracts and proposals: SEPT 15 (call for papers) The theme of the 10th ISB is "uncovering multilingualism". New Brunswick, New Jersey is home to a large number of multilingual speakers who speak a variety of native languages of the Americas in addition to Spanish and English. Walking down the streets of the immigrant neighborhoods in the city, one can catch a glimpse of languages from Mexico and Central America that are only used among close networks of speakers. But once the different layers of languages are uncovered, a complex world of linguistic diversity and potential resources emerges as a representation of the larger e\reality of the United States.
Keynote speakers
Helen Kelly Holmes (University of Limerick)
Juana M. Liceras (University of Ottawa)
Luis Enrique López (Programa de Apoyo a la Calidad Educativa, Guatemala)
Jeff MacSwan (University of Maryland)
Lee Osterhout (University of Washington)
Workshop on bilingual morphology Large numbers of people are bilingual in the US and the world. How are words in the two languages represented and processed in their minds? Do they treat parts of words similarly in the two languages? Does it pose any special challenges? This National Science Foundation funded workshop brings together multidisciplinary researchers to discuss recent findings about how bilingual speakers learn, process and represent the internal structure of words.(Read more)
The International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB10, isb10.rutgers.edu) invites proposals for presentations on any area of multilingualism (including, but not limited to, L1/L2 acquisition, linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, education, multilingual societies, etc.). Abstracts for the main session. ISB10 organizers invite proposals regarding original, previously unpublished research results on bilingualism/ multilingualism. Submitters should submit an abstract for a 20 minute presentation or for a poster presented at the main session, or a proposal for a thematic session. Submissions should be uploaded to EasyChair(www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isb10). Proposals for individual papers or posters consist of:
-An anonymous abstract (500 words plus 1 page max. for examples and references). The abstract should include enough details to allow reviewers to judge the merit of the proposal.
-Abstracts for paper/poster presentations will be double-blind peer-reviewed. Authors will be asked to specify a format preference (paper presentation or poster session) at the time the work is submitted. Only one presentation can be submitted as a first author. One of the authors must register for the conference in order to assure the presentation’s place on the program. In the submission site, indicate which presentation format you would like your abstract to be considered for. All abstracts are reviewed in the same manner; selecting 'paper or poster' does not decrease one's chances of being selected to deliver a spoken presentation. Proposals for thematic sessions. Thematic sessions consist of 120 minute blocks that will cover a narrowly defined topic of interest. Proposals should be submitted through EasyChair (www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isb10), check the option “THEMATIC session (group of 3-4 abstracts and proposal submitted by 1 organizer)” Proposals for thematic sessions should include:
-A general abstract describing the colloquium as a whole (max. 500 words). This should go in the "Abstract" field of EasyChair -A single pdf file with anonymous abstracts for individual presentations (each abstract should be 500 words max. plus 1 page max. for examples and references) -Individual author information should be submitted in the "author" fields of EasyChair. Sufficient details should be provided to allow peer reviewers to judge the merit of the proposal. The person submitting a proposal for a colloquium is in charge of securing the permission and co-operation of all participants before the proposal is submitted. Submission deadlines -Individual papers, posters and thematic session proposals: 15 September, 2014 -Notification of acceptance: 1 December, 2014 Contact email: isb10.contact@gmail.com Topics may include, among others:
bilingual and multilingual first language acquisition
bilingual and multilingual studies of conceptual domains
child/adult second language acquisition
contact induced language change
formal aspects of multilingualism
globalisation and linguistic diversity
grammatical studies of code-switching
intercultural communication
language attrition
language contact phenomena
language impairment in bilinguals and multilinguals
language policy and ideology of bilingualism/multilingualism
language shift, language maintenance and language loss
methodological issues in studying bilingual and multilingual population
multilingual applications in computational linguistics
multilingualism and education
multilingualism, migration and identities
multilingualism, styles and practices
multimodality and multilingualism
neurolinguistic studies of bilingualism and multilingualism
psycholinguistic studies of bilingualism and multilingualism
receptive multilingualism
signed languages and multilingualism
sociolinguistic studies of bilingual and multilingual communities and migration
sociolinguistic studies of code-switching
- translation and interpretation studies
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