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Unit 4 Advertising, Іноземна мова

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Unit 4 Advertising


In order to be able to discuss the different aspects of advertising you need to learn consider the relevant concept and definition. For this purpose you can use the following  glossaries of terms: 

Glossary of marketing terms:


Glossary of marketing terms:


Sales and marketing glossary: 


Language focus: do the exercise on the related terms at 



Read the article about outdoor advertising from Denver Business Journal

Information resource




What form of advertising can be experienced 24 hours a day, seven days a week, is not surrounded by editorial, programming or photographs, and can be targeted to reach specific audiences by neighborhood?

If you guessed outdoor, you're right. Outdoor advertising includes billboards, posters, airport ads, bus signs, mall posters transit shelters, stadium signs, bench advertising and more. It is estimated that there are more than 40 types of outdoor advertising, with billboards being the most widely recognized media.

Outdoor advertising also has another advantage, which is cost, opening the door for all advertisers - small or large. According to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, outdoor advertising is 80 percent less expensive than TV, 60 percent less expensive than newspapers and 50 percent less expensive than radio.

Unlike other advertising mediums, the audience viewing outdoor advertising is often bored, looking for something to read. This is what makes a moving billboard, like a bus, so interesting, compellingly creative and memorable. Creativity is the key element in outdoor advertising.

Outdoor is considered to be one of the oldest advertising mediums, yet technology has provided the opportunity to develop creative, eye-catching messages. High-impact billboards now include tri-vision signs which allow three advertising messages per location, 3-D images and even interactive billboards. For example, a company in New York City allows drivers to switch messages on their billboard by using their own garage remote controls. The message must have been targeted at commuters, not New Yorkers.

Another advantage that technology has provided is an incredible reduction in time to print ads. Seattle-based Ackerly Group, the sixth-largest outdoor advertising company in the world, recently installed AKMedia/Megaprint. Signs that previously took 40 hours to paint can now be printed in just two hours by printing on continuous inkjet printers.

Case studies prove the right message in the right place at the right time generates sales. Whether promoting new or existing products or personalities, both local and national companies know by dominating the medium and moving the message closer to the customers purchase decision, billboards work.

McDonalds uses billboards to direct hungry motorists off a highway to a specific location. Radio stations know the best place to remind listeners to switch stations is when they are in their cars. Car manufacturers realize there is no better way to reach their best prospects: drivers of cars and trucks.

Altoids created "Curiously Strong" brand awareness after implementing a campaign using alternative newspapers and a variety of outdoor advertising mediums. Outdoor generated an awareness of 76 percent, market share grew by a 5-to-1 margin vs. markets without advertising, and the brand's business grew by 31 percent to $18.7 million.

Denver-based John Atencio Jewelers is a believer in outdoor advertising. According to Roxann Souci, marketing director for John Atencio, creativity is the single most important aspect of their billboards. "We focus on large, clutter free, oversized images," Souci stated. Regarding the effectiveness of the billboards, Souci said, "When an image changes, our customers call us and ask about that particular design. We also monitor media effectiveness by tracking customer feedback." John Atencio is very proactive in marketing planning, placing media buys as far out as five years in advance. This secures key locations as well as better prices.

New technologies have turned one of the oldest advertising mediums into one of the most cost-effective, high-impact advertising mediums available. It's one medium where shear size and results are worth consideration.

Language focus: do the exercise to know better Apple advertising philosophy at 





A, An or The?

When do we say "the dog" and when do we say "a dog"? (On this page we talk only about singular, countable nouns.)

The and a/an are called "articles". We divide them into "definite" and "indefinite" like this:





a, an

We use "definite" to mean sure, certain. "Definite" is particular.

We use "indefinite" to mean not sure, not certain. "Indefinite" is general.

When we are talking about one thing in particular, we use the. When we are talking about one thing in general, we use a or an.

Think of the sky at night. In the sky we see 1 moon and millions of stars. So normally we would say:

  • I saw the moon last night.

  • I saw a star last night.

Look at these examples:


a, an

  • The capital of France is Paris.

  • I have found the book that I lost.

  • Have you cleaned the car?

  • There are six eggs in the fridge.

  • Please switch off the TV when you finish.

  • I was born in a town.

  • John had an omelette for lunch.

  • James Bond ordered a drink.

  • We want to buy an umbrella.

  • Have you got a pen?

Of course, often we can use the or a/an for the same word. It depends on the situation, not the word. Look at these examples:

  • We want to buy an umbrella. (Any umbrella, not a particular umbrella.)

  • Where is the umbrella? (We already have an umbrella. We are looking for our umbrella, a particular umbrella.)

This little story should help you understand the difference between the and a, an:
A man and a woman were walking in Oxford Street. The woman saw a dress that she liked in a shop. She asked the man if he could buy the dress for her. He said: "Do you think the shop will accept a cheque? I don't have a credit card."





For more information see Market Leader. Course book. Intermediate business English/ D.Cotton, D.Falvey, S.Kent: Longman, 2001 (p. 135)

Check your understanding of grammar and do the exercises:









Skills: Presentation techniques

Improve your skills of making presentations. Read and listen to the examples of opening, body and questions to presentations. Put down useful phrases and words. Use the information resource:



Listen to the communication tips and examples of presentations. Put down the useful phrases and words. Use the information resource (Part 4): 



For more information see Market Leader. Course book. Intermediate business English/ D.Cotton, D.Falvey, S.Kent: Longman, 2001 (p. 30-37) [1]

Revision: check up your knowledge of the topic at 


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