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Методичні вказівки до виконання контрольних робіт з курсу Технологія виробів легкої промисловості, КНУТД

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Методичні вказівки до виконання контрольних робіт

для студентів заочної форми навчання

освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня «Бакалавр»

напряму підготовки 6.051602 _Технологія виробів

легкої промисловості


Київ КНУТД 2014

Іноземна мова фахового спрямування (Англійська мова): методичні вказівки до виконання контрольних робіт для студентів заочної форми навчання освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня «Бакалавр» напряму підготовки 6.051602 _Технологія виробів легкої промисловості / упор.: А.М. Ткаленко, І.І. Телев’як. – К.: КНУТД, 2014. - 29 с. Англ. мовою 

Упорядники: А.М. Ткаленко, І.І. Телев’як. 

Відповідальний за випуск завідувач кафедри іноземних мов канд.філол. наук, проф. О.В. Хоменко. 

Затверджено на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов

Протокол № ? від ? травня 2014 р.



Дані методичні вказівки містять 4 контрольних роботи для студентів-заочників, що узгоджується з навчальною програмою з іноземної мови (англійської мови) фахового спрямування для студентів заочного факультету.

Для кожних 2х змістовних модулів пропонується одна контрольна робота. Контрольні роботи включають завдання з граматики та лексики. Студент повинен вміти: усно спілкуватися іноземною мовою в межах лексичного мінімуму та тематики, передбачених робочою навчальною програмою; писати іноземною мовою, а саме – перекази, реферати на професійну тематику, анотації до тексту за фахом, працювати з різними типами словників; читати, розуміти та перекладати автентичну фахову літературу. 

V семестр:

Змістовий модуль 1. Basic clothes.

Змістовий модуль 2. Sewing your own clothes. 

VI семестр: 

Змістовий модуль 3. Seams and stitches.

Змістовий модуль 4. Clothes construction. 

VII семестр: 

Змістовий модуль 5. The variety of clothes.

Змістовий модуль 6. Basic elements of design.

VIII семестр: 

Змістовий модуль 7. Garments manufacturing.

Змістовий модуль 8. Apparel industry and marketing.


Методичні рекомендації до виконання письмових контрольних робіт 

  1. Перед тим, як виконувати вправи контрольної роботи, треба опрацювати граматичний матеріал та тексти. 

  2. Усі вправи повинні бути переписані у зошит, при цьому треба вказати номер вправи, завдання та всі номери речень вправи. 

  3. Всі вправи, незалежно від їх характеру, повинні бути перекладені рідною мовою. 

  4. Обов’язково треба залишати поля в зошиті для зауважень рецензента та виправлення помилок. Крім того, контрольна робота повинна бути виконана охайно, розбірливим почерком, інакше робота буде повернена студенту не зарахованою.

  5. Контрольна робота повинна бути виконана самостійно. З цією метою під час екзаменаційної сесії проводиться співбесіда з контрольної роботи. Виконавець відповідає на запитання викладача стосовно завдань контрольної роботи та виправляє помилки. 

  6. Рецензент пише на полях позначки, які вказують на характер зробленої помилки: SP – орфографічна; GR – граматична; TR – помилка при перекладі. 

  7. Якщо контрольна робота недопущена або незарахована, треба ще раз виконати всю контрольну роботу, а не тільки ті вправи, в яких зроблені помилки. 

  8. Якщо контрольна робота зарахована, але в ній допущені помилки, тоді треба їх виправити в цьому ж зошиті, не переписуючи всю контрольну роботу. 

  9. Без виконаної контрольної роботи студент не допускається до заліку або екзамену. 

V семестр:

Змістовий модуль 1. Basic clothes.

Змістовий модуль 2. Sewing your own clothes. 

Теми для співбесіди:

Тема 1. The Early Development of Clothes. Your Clothes Package.  

Тема 2. Fabric Information. The Sewing Machine.   



Контрольна робота №1 


TOPIC: The Early Development of Clothes. YourClothesPackage 

I. Read and translate the following text:

Social scientists believe that people began to wear clothes when they lived in “hunting” and “gathering” societies. People lived in groups because this made the task of getting food easier. In groups such as these, the first clothes developed. They were probably made from animal skins.

Many years ago, ice age spread extremely cold weather over large parts of Europe. People discovered that the bear skin could be made into clothes. The people needed something to use to tie on the bear skin. They used sinew, a tough tendon from the leg of an animal.

The awl was the tool used to punch holes in skins. Gradually, a notch was carved in the blunt end of the awl to hold the sinew in place. The other end had been already sharpened to make punching holes easier. Now the sinew could be threaded through the hole. After many years, the eyed needle had been invented. The invention of the eyed needle led to the development of sewing.

A second important sewing tool, the sewing plate, appeared about this time. Made of bone, it was used to push the needle through the hide. This sewing plate was probably, used much as a thimble is used today.

The next development was yarn, a continuous strand of fibers. It is made by twisting and tightening the fibers. The process of making yarn is called spinning. People began to use the stems of plants, some kind of tree bark, horse hair. Gradually, they made the tools to spin fibers.

After people learned to spin, they mastered the art of weaving. Weaving is a process of interlacing yarns to create cloth of fabric. The first weaving was done by hand. Later, weaving was done on looms.

Many factors influence your choice of clothes. Personality, physical shape, lifestyle, and even the world around you play a part in your decisions about what to wear.

To dress successfully, you need to know about the kinds of clothes that are available to you. If you live in a cold area of the world, you need to wear special clothes to protect yourself from the cold and wind. In such areas people wear heavy jackets and boots, scarves, and mittens. People living in hot, tropical areas also need to protect themselves from the weather. In these climates, people wear white or light-coloured clothes to deflect the rays of the sun. They may wear loose-fitting clothes, such as shorts.

In most parts of the world the weather changes over the course of a year. Most people need a variety of clothes to suit the weather changes.

Uniforms identify a person with a group of occupation: servants in the restaurants, nurses in the hospitals, and the military. Some people need clothes that are primarily protective (engineers, agriculturalists and many factory employees).

Basic garments such as skirts, trousers, tops, jackets can be changed round to give totally different effects. Accessories such as bags, belts, glasses, gloves, scarves, jewelry, shoes, tights and stockings can be worn with basic garments to introduce other ideas.

II. Answer the questions:

  1. When did people begin to think about clothing?

  2. What were the first clothes made from?

  3. What was used to tie pieces of fur?

  4. How did ancient people use an animal sinew?

  5. How was eyed needle invented?

  6. What was the second important invention in ancient sewing?

  7. What is spinning?

  8. What influences your choice of clothes?

  9. Why do people wear heavy clothes in northern countries?

  10. What clothes are the best in tropical areas?

  11. What role do uniforms play?

  12. What accessories do you usually use?


III. Find the English equivalents for:

голка з вушком, ткацький верстат, прясти, волокно, ткацтво, захищати, зміни в погоді, спідниця, штани, ремінь, шарф.


IV. Give definitions to the words and word-combinations:

an awl, a yarn, a needle, basic garments, accessories, uniform.


V. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Перший одяг був напевно виготовлений з тваринних шкір.

2. За допомогою шила стародавні люди пробивали дірки в шкірі.

3. Одяг може захистити від холоду.

4. Деякі люди потребують захисного одягу.

5. Ми можемо змінювати наш вигляд за допомогою шарфів, ременів, сумочок.

6. Багато факторів впливають на ваш вибір одягу: фігура, погода, настрій.

7. Пізніше була винайдена швейна пластина.

8. Ткацтво- це процес виготовлення тканини шляхом переплетення пряжі.


VI. Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple Active.

  1. People often ( wear) draped garments to protect themselves from the heat.

  2. A sewing machine (sew) a stitch, (move) the fabric and (sew) the next stitch.

  3. Most evenings she (stay) at home and (do) her hometask.

  4. Many factors or qualities (influence) your choice of clothes.

  5. What time (do) he finish his work?

  6. (meet) with my friends every weekend.

  7. They (not go) to the theatre  very often.

  8. She  (not work) on Sunday.

  9. He (visit) fashion shows very often.


VII. Open brackets using  the Present Simple Passive:

1. A fiber ( twist) to form a strong, tight length of yarn.

2. The process of making yarn (call) spinning.

3. All five natural fibers … still (use) today.

4. Natural fiber can be used to make almost every item of clothing that (wear) today.

5. Almost all clothes (construct) in one of three basic ways: tailored, draped, or composite.

6. Draped garments (create) from an uncut piece of fabric.

7. Cotton  … often (combine) with polyester. 


TOPIC: Fabric Information. TheSewingMachine

I. Read and translate the following text: 

Natural fabrics are made from plant or animal fibres, spun into yarns: cotton, wool, silk, and linen are the most common. Naturals are often considered the easiest fabric to sew.

Cotton is used by people in almost every country in the world. Cotton threads are even and rather round. The surface of the cotton fabrics has very fine hairs all over it. Cotton fabric is often white, but to make it pretty it is often coloured. 

Linen looks like cotton, but it is stronger, firmer and often heavier. The threads are very smooth and round. Linen is cooler to wear and more expensive than cotton. It can be used for clothing such as dresses or men’s coats, but it is more often used for such articles as tablecloths. 

Silk is a beautiful fabric. It is soft and shiny. The threads of silk are so fine that it is hard to see each one separately. Silk is expensive. It is cool to wear and looks very beautiful.

Wool is very soft and springy. The surface of the fabrics is covered with very fine hairs. These tiny hairs help to make it so soft and warm. Wool is also much thicker and heavier than cotton, so that it keeps out the cold.

Basically a sewing machine is used to join together some pieces of material or to stitch a decoration onto a fabric. It sews a stitch, moves the fabric and sews the next stitch. There are sewing machines that will sew together items like shoes, tents and sails. 

Sewing machine needles come in a variety of styles and sizes. The correct needle choice depends mostly on the fabric you have selected. A larger number means the needle is thicker and that it is appropriate for use with heavier fabrics and heavier threads.

Stitches are made by locking the upper thread with a lower thread, carried on a bobbin. The machine forms stitches by interlocking the bobbin thread with the needle thread. Every time the needle goes down into the fabric, a sharp hook catches the needle thread and wraps the bobbin thread around it


II. Answer the questions: 

  1. What are natural fibres made from? 

  2. What are cotton fibres look like?

  3. What are the properties of linen?

  4. What are silk fibres like?

  5. What are wool properties? 

  6. What does the needle choice depend on?

  7. How does a machine form a stitch?


III. Find the English equivalents for:

волокно, природній, м’який, блискучий, носити, дорогий, різнокольоровий, творчий, нитка шпульки, натяг нитки, голка, шпулька.


IV. Give definitions to the words: 

cotton, silk, linen, wool, knits, yarn, texture, stitch, needle.


V. Translate the sentences into English: 

  1. Натуральні тканини виробляються з природних волокон: тваринних чи рослинних. 

  2. Бавовна біла, але добре фарбується. 

  3. Льон – це міцна та дорога тканина. 

  4. Шовк –блискучий та м’який матеріал. 

  5. Вовну виготовляють з хутра різних тварин, тому вона дуже тепла. 

  6. Швейна машинка – це один з корисних винаходів, що допомагають людині. 

  7. Швейні машинки також можуть використовуватись для вишивки та   оздоблення.

  8. Ретельно підбирай розмір голки та ниток.


VI. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple Active.

1. I…this jacket yesterday.(buy)

2. People ….. to wear clothes when they lived in “hunting” and “gathering” societies. (begin)

3. Romans … togas and stolas(wear). 

4. The invention of the eyed needle …. to the development of sewing.(lead) 

5. Students….art museum last week.(visit) 

6. He …a book,… it and… reading.(take, open, begin)

7. Ann… design at the university. (study)


VII. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple Passive. 

1. This dress…by Ann.(sew)

2. My collection ….on Pechersky Kashtany last year.(demonstrate)

3. They…. by a qualified teachers.(teach)

4. This kind of silk….in China.(make)

5. This story … by my grandfather.(tell)

6. His house…. in 1980. (build)

7. The first clothes …. probably… from animal skins.(make)


Список рекомендованої літератури: 

1. Англійська мова. Практична граматика для студентів напрямів підготовки “Технологія та дизайн текстильних матеріалів” та “Технологія виробів легкої промисловості” / Упор. А.М. Ткаленко – К.: КНУТД, 2013. - 34 с.

2. Англо-український термінологічний тлумачний словник з дизайну та текстилю. / К.Б. Кугай. – К.: КНУТД, 2012. – 312 с. Англ. мовою.

3. Барамикова Т.В., Ільєнко Л.П., Ганчик Н.Д. «ESP: Textiles and Dressmaking»: Підручник для студентів IІІ-IV курсів спеціальності «Технології швейного виробництва». – К.: КНУТД, 2009 – 306 с. – Англійською мовою.


VI семестр: 

Змістовий модуль 3. Seams and stitches.

Змістовий модуль 4. Clothes construction. 

Теми для співбесіди:

Тема 3. Sewing Supplies. Sewing а Seam.

Тема 4. Construction Basics. Sewing Garments



Контрольна робота №2 


TOPIC: Sewing Supplies. Sewing а Seam 

I. Read and translate the following text: 

Sewing involves main steps: measuring, laying out the pattern, cutting, marking, stitching and pressing. For each of these steps there are special tools and supplies to make your sewing easier and help you complete your projects successfully.

Hand-sewing supplies are needles and pins. They are available in a variety of sizes and styles. Thimble protects your finger while hand sewing. Available in a variety of styles and sizes, it is worn on whichever finger you use to push the needle through the fabric. Pincushion provides a safe and handy place to store pins.

Measuring and marking tools. Transparent ruler allows you to see what you are measuring and   marking.

Yardstick (meterstick) should be made of smooth hardwood or metal.

Tape-measure has the flexibility helpful for measuring items with shape and dimension. Marking chalk is available in several forms; as powder in a rolling wheel dispenser, as a pencil, or as a flat slice. Chalk lines are easily removable from most fabrics.

Cutting tools. You should use cutting tools only for sewing. 1) sewing scissors – pointed for trimming and clipping work. The two handles are the same size. 2) Shears – used for cutting fabrics. The two handles are shaped differently, to fit the hand comfortably. 3) Embroidery scissors – used for light detail work, like cutting threads, ripping stitches, and cutting buttonholes. 4) Electric scissors – powered by a battery or other source of electricity. These make cutting faster.

Thread is a long strand of twisted fibers. When you buy thread, pull a length from the spool and examine it for evenness. Pull it to test its strength and stretch ability. Buy a thread type similar to your fabric. Use natural threads with natural fabrics.

A seam is row of stitching that holds two or more layers of fabric together. Seams shape fabric to fit your body.

Regulation Stitch. This is the stitch used for permanent stitching such as seams, darts and tucks. The length and tension of the stitch may vary according to the fabric used. On most medium-weight fabrics, the regulation stitch is about 12 stitches to the inch; sheers require a finer stitch (16 to the inch); heavy or coarse fabrics generally take 8 to 10 stitches to the inch

Basting Stitch. Basting stitches are used for temporary joining of sections or details which may require reworking when the garment is fitted or for marking. The longest stitch on the machine (6 to 8 per inch) and a contrasting thread should be used so that the markings and bastings are easily seen and easily removed.

Stitching for Reinforcement. Areas where there is strain or a need for reinforcement, such as points of collars, cuffs, gussets, pointed faced openings of necklines, underarm seam of kimono sleeves, will need a finer, tighter stitch, usually 16 to 20 stitches to the inch.

II. Answer the questions:

1. What processes does sewing include?

2. What are hand-sewing supplies?

3. What do we use for measuring and marking?

4. What is the most widely used marking tool?

5. What is the difference between scissors and shears?

6. What other cutting tools were mentioned in the text?

7. What is a seam?

8. What kinds of stitches can a machine make?

9. What type of stitches is used for making darts and tucks?

10. What is a basting stitch used for?

11. What areas need stitching for reinforcement?


III. FindtheEnglishequivalentsfor:

зшивання, різати, наперсток, прозора лінійка, приладдя, постійний, тимчасовий, вимірювальні інструменти, маркування.


IV. Give definitions to the words and word-combinations:

sewing supplies, a basting stitch, a seam, a thread, sewing scissors

V. Translate the sentences into English: 

1. Кожен з етапів шиття потребує певних інструментів та швейного приладдя.

2. Для зняття мірок використовують гнучкий метр

3. Кравецькі ножиці застосовуються лише для розрізання тканини,

4. Шви можуть бути зроблені на машинці або вручну.

5. Наметувальні стібки можуть бути легко видалені.

6. Існує багато інших зручних і необхідних інструментів для розрізування.

7. Шви використовуються не тільки для з’єднання декількох шматків тканини, але й для оздоблення.

8. Деякі частини виробу потребують посилення, отже спеціальних швів.


VI. Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Continuous Active. 

  1. Where are the students? They …( wait) outside.

  2. What … he … (do) now?

  3. She … (paint) at the moment.

  4. My friends are in London now. They … (stay) at a small hotel.

  5. He … (read) a newspaper now.

  6. We … (construct) new models these days.

  7. Computer design … (become) more and more important.


VII. Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Continuous Passive 

1. The conference is … in the conference room.(hold)

2. A new shopping center is ... across the street. (build)

3. The test is … by all the students of this group. (write)

4. The fabric is … now.(cut)

5. The book is … by a student.(read)

6. The dress is …. in warm water at the moment.(wash)

7. Look. Her collection is … (demonstrate).


TOPIC: Construction Basics. Sewing Garments

I. Read and translate the following text: 

Collars add design interest in the neckline area of clothes. There are three kinds of collars: standing collar, flat collar, and rolled collar. The following are the three basic steps to collar construction: attaching the interfacing, forming the collar, attaching the collar to the garment.

Cuffs put a finishing touch to the edges of sleeves and pants. Cuffs may be simple bands, or they can be buttoned or turned back.

Darts shape a flat piece of fabric to fit the curves of your body. The two basic types of darts are single pointed and double pointed. Darts are used at necklines, bustlines, elbows, waistlines so forth. Vertical darts fit fabric into the waist and shoulder. Horizontal darts fit fabric into the bust and elbow. Pinning, stitching, trimming and pressing are the steps in making darts.

Buttons can simply fasten the edges of clothes. They can also add design interest. They can be a very important part of the total look. The size of a button is measurement of its diameter. There are two basic types of buttons: shank and sew-through.

T-shirts are classic and versatile. It seems you can never have too many. Your pattern should have four pieces: front, back, sleeve, and neck ribbing. Some may also have a piece for sleeve ribbing. T-shirts are the easiest to sew using 6 mm seam allowances. The pattern should be laid out and the fabric cut. You should place the T-shirt front over the back, right sides together, aligning the shoulder seam allowance edges, pinning them. Then it is necessary to stitch the front and back T-shirt sections together.

Pull-on skirts. Skirts with elastic waistbands are classic, comfortable, and easy-care. Straight or flared versions in varying lengths can be coordinated with a variety of sweaters or other tops. The skirt itself may be constructed of two, three, or four sections, depending on whether or not there are center front or back seams.

Pull-on pants with elastic waists are easy to fit and easy to sew. When sewn in supple, lightweight fabrics, such as rayon or microfiber, they are elegant enough for evening wear. For sportier looks, cotton, cotton blends, linen. They can be paired with simple T-shirts or blouses. Select a pants pattern with two main pieces: the front and the back. The elastic casing for the waist is formed from excess fabric at the top. This pattern will be good for pants without pockets.

Vests, in a variety of styles, enhance wardrobes by complementing skirts, slacks, or dresses. They can be worn over knit tops, turtlenecks, or blouses, to fit the occasion.

For easy sewing, you should select a loose-fitting, lined vest, and look for a pattern with two main pattern pieces: a front and a back. Good choices of fabric for a loose-fitting vest include cotton, cotton blends, rayon, linen, denim, wool crepe, wool gabardine, and corduroy. It is necessary to select lining fabric made specifically for that purpose, or use lightweight cotton or blends.

II. Answer the questions:

1. What kinds and styles of collars were mentioned in the text?

2. What are the functions of darts?

3. What do we use buttons for?

4. What kinds of buttons do you know?

5. What should a pattern of the T-shirt have?

6. What are pull-on skirts like?

7. What fabrics are good for pull-on pants?

8. How can vests be worn?

9. What is advisable to choose for a loose-fitting vest?

III. Find the English equivalents for:

комір, виточка, манжети, рукав, лінія талії, спідниця на резинці, жилет з підкладкою

IV. Give definitions to the words and word-combinations:

dart, button, pants, pattern, lining fabric

V. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Виточки допомагають з плаского матеріалу створити форму.

2. Основними частинами жилету є полочки та спинка.

3. Щоб зробити комір, потрібно вставити прокладку, сформувати комір та пристрочити його до виробу.

4. Манжети можна використовувати для оздоблення рукавів та штанин.

5. Штани на резинці можуть ностись з блузкою або футболкою.

6. Жилети комбінують зі штанами, спідницями та сукнями різних стилів.

7. Основні етапи створення виточки це сколювання, зшивання, оздоблення та прасування.

8. Манжети можуть застібатися на гудзики .

VI. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past ContinuousActive. 

1 (watch) TV when she called.

2. When the phone rang, she (write) a letter.

3. While we (have) the picnic, it started to rain.

4. What ….you (do) when the earthquake started?

5. I (listen) to music, so I didn't hear the fire alarm.

6. You  (not listen) to me when I told you to turn the oven off.

7. Yesterday at this time, I (sit) at my desk at work.

8. Sammy (waite) for us when we got off the plane.

9. While I  (write) the email, the computer suddenly went off.

10. Last night at 6 p.m., I (eat) dinner.


VII. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Continuous Passive

1. The new costume  (try on) by my sister when I came home.

2. When I came to the hospital, Tom (examine) by the doctor.

3. I couldn't use my office yesterday because it  (painted).

4. The new program (test) for errors at three o'clock yesterday.

5. At 9 a.m., the document (translate) by Ann

6. The problem (discuss) by students when professor came into the room.

Список рекомендованої літератури: 

1. Англійська мова. Практична граматика для студентів напрямів підготовки “Технологія та дизайн текстильних матеріалів” та “Технологія виробів легкої промисловості” / Упор. А.М. Ткаленко – К.: КНУТД, 2013. - 34 с.

2. Англо-український термінологічний тлумачний словник з дизайну та текстилю. / К.Б. Кугай. – К.: КНУТД, 2012. – 312 с. Англ. мовою.

3. Барамикова Т.В., Ільєнко Л.П., Ганчик Н.Д. «ESP: Textiles and Dressmaking»: Підручник для студентів IІІ-IV курсів спеціальності «Технології швейного виробництва». – К.: КНУТД, 2009 – 306 с. – Англійською мовою.


VIІ семестр: 

Змістовий модуль 5. The variety of clothes.

Змістовий модуль 6. Basic elements of design. 

Теми для співбесіди:

Тема 5.Why People Wear Clothes. The Variety of Trousers, Skirts and Blouses.  

 Тема 6. The Building Blocks of Clothes.  The Importance of Colour.


Контрольна робота №3 

TOPIC: Why People Wear Clothes. TheVarietyofTrousers, SkirtsandBlouses 

I. Read and translate the following text: 

People throughout history and across different cultures have always worn clothes for similar reasons.

Clothes are worn for protection and also for modesty. Sometimes they are worn merely for decoration, while other times they are worn because they are comfortable.

One of the most important reasons that people wear clothes is for protection. Clothes also protect people from heat. In some desert areas people wear loose robes. These robes keep the dry, hot air away from the body, which prevents the loss of body moisture. Raincoats and boots and other foul-weather clothes protect people from unusually bad weather. Hard hats protect workers who must work around construction. Bulletproof vests are worn by police to protect them while they work. The space suits that the astronauts wear in outer space are designed to guard them from space hazards, such as weightlessness and cold. Going for a walk in the woods, people dress to protect themselves from insects, thorns and sore feet.

Clothes can give the wearer psychological protection. This happens when people believe or think that items of clothing have special or magical properties.

People think they ward off evil, heal, or bring good luck to their wearers.

People of all cultures take an interest in adornment. When people adorn themselves they use things to decorate or beautify their bodies. Adornment can also be used to tell many things about its wearer. It can show wealth, rank, status, occupation, family ties and power.

Trousers are an item of  clothing worn on the lower part of the body from the waist to the ankles, covering both legs separately. Trousers have been the standard lower-body clothing item for males since the 16th century; by the late 20th century, they had become prevalent for females as well.

Cropped trousers. The trouser leg stops halfway between the knee and the ankle. Cropped trousers only suit those with long legs. The line cuts the leg horizontally and therefore shortens it.

Wide legged trousers. The bottom of the leg is usually one and a half times the width of the top. Wide-legged trousers are ideal for tall women, short women should avoid them, because the cut can broaden the figure and make legs look stumpy.

High-waisted trousers. The waistband sits just above your navel - and sometimes even higher. High-waisted trousers are wonderful on tall or petite women with hourglass figures but they should be avoided by pear shapes as they accentuate the hips and the waist.

The most standard type of skirt is the gathered skirt, with fabric that is scrunched together and “gathered” at the waist line. There two possible styles; those with a straight cut and gathered flared skirts that flare out at the hem. There are also skirts with a similar design that have tucks around the waistline instead of gathering.

Flared skirts are skirts that flare out from the waist towards the hemline. When choosing a length that is right for you, remember to check how well the skirt balances with your height and build. Generally speaking, short lengths give a cute impression while longer lengths look more composed and sophisticated. Skirts with designs that you think might be a little too sweet for you may still suit your style well if they are longer in length. There are also tiered skirts, straight skirts, pleated skirts, draped skirts.

II. Answer the questions:

  1. What do people wear clothes for?

  2. How do clothes protect people from the weather?

  3. Do clothes protect only just from cold?

  4. Why do people wear special professional clothes?

  5. What are trousers?

  6. What styles of trousers do you know?

  7. What is the most standard type of skirts?

  8. What impression does the length of skirts give?

  9. What kinds of skirts or trousers do you prefer to wear?


III. Find the English equivalents for:

прикраса, захист, спека, скромність, штани з завищеною талією, елегантний силует, пряма спідниця

IV. Give definitions to the words:

protection, decoration, jewelry, individuality, creative

V. Translate the sentences into English: 

  1. Укорочені штани гарно виглядають з довгим светром.

  2. Штани з завищеною талією підкреслюють талію та стегна.

  3. Одяг захищає людину від холоду та спеки.

  4. Гарний одяг допомагає виразити індивідуальність, показати творчу натуру людини.

  5. Прикраси не тільки додають особливого вигляду, але й мають магічні властивості.

  6. Сучасні люди намагаються зробити одяг більш практичним та комфортним.

  7. Довга спідниця створює враження класичності та офіційності.

  8. Штани, спідниці, блузи можуть бути прикрашені ґудзиками, стрічками, вишивкою.


VI. Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect Active. 

1. We …..(do) it already.

2. She …..already….(clean) the room.

3. They….never…(be) to China.

4. I …(not wear) my new dress yet.

5. The delegation ….( arrive).

6. He …(draw) a new sketch lately.

7. I….(work) in this fashion studio for seven years.


VII. Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect Passive. 

1. Every finished garment ….(inspect) thoroughly by them.

2. The rooms …… already …..( furnish).

3. Some chemicals ……(invent) to improve laundering methods.

4. The design of this garment ….(create) recently.

5. The picture ……(paint) lately by Simon.

6. The fabric …..(select) by the product manager.

7. The patterns ….(draw) by pattern makers.


TOPIC: TheBuildingBlocksofClothesTheImportanceofColour 

I. Read and translate the following text:

Clothing lines, shapes, and spaces are the building blocks of clothing construction.

Every garment has an overall shape, or outline. Once this shape has been drawn, it consists of spaces, or inner areas that need to be designed. Both shapes and spaces in clothes are created largely through the use of lines. Since lines are used to construct spaces and shapes, they are important elements in clothing construction. Lines can be straight or curved. Straight lines come in three basic forms: vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines.

Vertical lines tend to make objects look taller than they are. They also note a sense of dignity. Horizontal lines make an object look wider than it is. They also add a sense of calm. Diagonal lines are less formal and sometimes appear to be whimsical. Curved lines are also considered less conservative than straight lines. People in business who are trying to create an air of authority in their dress may wear a shirt or blouse with straight lines or stripes, but they will rarely choose a shirt or blouse with rounded lines.

When lines are combined or connected, they form shapes, or outlines. Most clothes are of three basic shapes. They are either tubular, bell, or full.

Clothes that have a tubular shape have mostly vertical lines. Such shapes look longer. Tubular shapes usually do not have a sharply defined waist. Business suits with matching pants, vests and jackets have a tubular outline. So do chemise dresses and many other one-piece dresses. Bell shapes are created by connecting horizontal and vertical lines to achieve an effect that is neither horizontal nor vertical. Bell-bottom pants, flared pants and jackets and flared skirts are examples of bell-shaped clothes.

Generally, bell shapes are flattering to many body types and make the wearer look slimmer.

Clothes with full shapes are dominated by curved lines. The shape of the outline changes depending on how full or rounded the curves are. Full sleeves and tie blouses are often full shapes. Skirts or dresses that are gathered are full.

Structural lines are made by sewing together the parts of a garment. These lines are called seams. A garment can sometimes be cut in certain places to make a special seam that is purely an element of design. This seam is still considered a structural line.

Decorative lines are those that are added simply to create a design or look. They can be made by adding braids, trims, nonworking buttons or laces. Design lines include such details as the placement of buttons, top stitching, or the placement of a pocket.

All colours are beautiful. Colours can be combined in many varied and interesting ways. Various illusions can be created with colour. Warm colours, bright intensities, and light values reflect more light. This means they will also tend to make you look larger when you wear large amounts of colours such as red, yellow, vivid greens, and pastels.

Cool colours soft intensities and dark values absorb more light. Your body will look smaller in cool, soft or dark colours than in warm or bright ones. Blues and greens, as dull reds or dark shades of any colour, will make you look smaller than you are.

Sharply contrasting colours attract a lot of attention. They also shorten your appearance. A bright red skirt worn with a bright green shirt will make you look shorter you actually are. This is fine, if you are tall. But this may not suit you if you are short and would like to look a little taller than you are.

II. Answer the questions:

  1. What are the building blocks of clothes?

  2. How are shapes and spaces created?

  3. What lines can one use in clothes constructing?

  4. What is the difference between three kinds of straight lines?

  5. What lines are more suitable for business people?

  6. What shapes do you know?

  7. What are your favorite colours?

  8. How are colours divided?

  9. What can colours create?

  10.  Will your body look smaller in warm colours?


III. Find the English equivalents for:

форма, лінія, внутрішній простір, прямий, дзвіночок, округлений, декоративний, теплий колір, яскравий.


IV. Give definitions to the words:

colour, line, shape, space, design, look.

V. Translate the sentences into English: 

1. Лінії, форма та простір – є складовими деталями конструкції одягу.

2. Кольори можуть бути поєднані різноманітними цікавими способами.

3. Вертикальні лінії візуально подовжують предмет чи фігуру, а горизонтальні  роблять предмет ширшим.

4. Існує три різновиду форм: трубчата, форми дзвіночка та пишна.

5. Структурні лінії також називають швами, і вони є елементами дизайну.

6. Декоративні лінії просто використовують для дизайну та оздоблення одягу.

7. Одяг контрастних кольорів привертає до себе увагу.

8. Декоративні та структурні лінії додають фігурі форми.


VI. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Perfect Active. 

1. We came to the university at 9.00 but the lecture (start) at 8.30.

2. When I came to the theatre the play … already (start).

3. When they arrived at the station the train (leave).

4. I (start) reading a book when the telephone rang.

5. Linda (sew) trousers before, so she found it very easy.

6. He thought he (see) her before.

7. She (not study) for the test, so she was very nervous.


VII. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Perfect Passive. 

1. I thought that you (tell ) the news.

2. She (invite) to the party.

3. The letter (send) by 3 o’clock yesterday.

4. The exercise(do) when my friend came in.

5. The door (close) before he came.

6. The evening dress (sew) before her birthday party.


Список рекомендованої літератури: 

1. Англійська мова. Практична граматика для студентів напрямів підготовки “Технологія та дизайн текстильних матеріалів” та “Технологія виробів легкої промисловості” / Упор. А.М. Ткаленко – К.: КНУТД, 2013. - 34 с.

2. Англо-український термінологічний тлумачний словник з дизайну та текстилю. / К.Б. Кугай. – К.: КНУТД, 2012. – 312 с. Англ. мовою.

3. Барамикова Т.В., Ільєнко Л.П., Ганчик Н.Д. «ESP: Textiles and Dressmaking»: Підручник для студентів IІІ-IV курсів спеціальності «Технології швейного виробництва». – К.: КНУТД, 2009 – 306 с. – Англійською мовою.


VIII семестр: 

Змістовий модуль 7. Garments manufacturing.

Змістовий модуль 8. Apparel industry and  marketing. 

Теми для співбесіди:

Тема 7. Apparel Design. Producing and Assembling the Garments. 

Тема 8. Apparel industry.  Apparel Marketing.


Контрольна робота №4 

TOPIC: Apparel Design. Producing and Assembling the Garments

I. Read and translate the following text: 

Creating a design is the first step in making a garment. Designers and design stylists are very inventive people. They have to be flexible so they can see and use new ideas. Designers may sketch several ideas for one garment before developing a design they like. They may come up with two or three good sketches for one garment.

Once a design has been chosen, it must now be drawn in detail. Sewing directions must also be written out and sewing illustrations must be drawn. A sewing illustration is a very specific drawing showing how to make some special part of the garment. It might show how to place the buttons or how to attach a collar or where double stitching is to be placed.

The sample makers, another group of skilled workers in the garment industry, make up a sample of the design. The sample garment should be looked over very carefully. All the design proportions and details are checked. After the sample garment is perfected and accepted, it goes to the merchandising and engineering departments. They decide how to make the garment. Then production of the garment begins. In an assembly line, each operator usually does only one specific task. For example, one person sews the seams. Another might work on constructing the collars. Still another might sew on the front pockets.

Every finished garment is inspected thoroughly by people hired to do this work. Once the garment have been sewn and inspected, the next step is managing their sales. Sample garments are being made and then distributed to sales representatives at sales meetings. The sales departments bring in all the sales representatives just before a new line is ready to be launched. Product managers are expected to introduce the line. Sales representatives are provided with order numbers, samples in many colours or colour swatches, and ideas to help them sell the products. Any questions asked by the sales representatives about the line have to be answered.

II. Answer the questions:

  1. What is the first stage in dress-making?

  2. How is the idea presented?

  3. What people are engaged in sketch making?

  4. What is sewing illustration?

  5. What do sample makers do?

  6. How does an assembly line work?

  7. What step goes next after inspecting the garment?

  8. What do sales representatives perform?


III. Find the English equivalents for: 

дизайн одягу, винахідливий, масовий продаж, ескіз одягу, зразок, вдосконалювати, відділ продажу, створювач зразка, скорочувати, оглядати.


IV. Give definitions to the words and word-combinations:

sewing illustration, sketch, assembly line, sample maker, sales representative.


V. Translate the sentences into English: 

  1. Виробництво одягу починається зі створення його ескізів. 

  2. Розуміючи основні принципи дизайну, спеціаліст знає, як створювати деталі одягу. 

  3. Всі деталі зразка дуже ретельно оглядаються і, якщо потрібно, перероблюються.

  4. Масове виробництво починається, коли зразки перевірені та вдосконалені.

  5. Кожен оператор звичайно виконує одне специфічне завдання.

  6. Торгові представники впроваджують новий товар на масовий ринок.

  7. Менеджери  продукції представляють нову лінію на виробництві та повинні володіти повною інформацією про товари.


VI.Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of adjectives.

1. It's too cold here. Can we go somewhere ….(warm)?

2. This tea is very weak. I like it a bit ….(strong).

3. I was surprised how easy it was to use the sewing machine. I thought it would be. …(difficult).

4. The costume was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be ….(expensive).

5. My job is a bit boring sometimes. I'd like to do something ….(interesting).

6. Your sketch isn't very good. I'm sure you can do ….(good).

7. She was feeling tired last night, so she went to bed ….(early) than usual.

8. Can you speak a bit ….(loud).

9. The situation isn't so bad. It could be ….(bad). 


VII. Complete the sentences. Use the comparative or superlative  form of adjectives.

1. Using colours in certain ways you can make objects look (large) or (small) than they actually are.

2. Usually, one emphasis is (good) than two or three.

3. Double-pointed needles are (old) known knitting needles.

4. Knitted garments are usually (warm) than those made from ordinary woven material.

5. Elasticity is (necessary) requirement for such items as hosiery, underwear, gloves.

6. Linen is known to be (expensive) than cotton.

7. Wool is (thick) and (heavy) than cotton, so that it keeps out the cold.


TOPIC: Apparel industry. Apparel Marketing

I. Read and translate the following text: 

Research is the work done to develop new products. It also involves the ways to make old products better. Development is the process of putting together what has been learned through research. Many different jobs exist in research and development. Most people who work in this area are scientists and engineers.

Industrial engineers plan the fastest and the best ways of doing things, for example, making a pair of blue jeans.

There are many types of scientific jobs that are a part of the apparel industry. One of the more exciting ones is that of a research chemist. Working in the field of textile research they work on developing new products and improving already existing products. New ways to test products are developed. Research chemists spend a lot of time trying to imitate real-life situations. Special tests are set up to find out how a fabric reacts to perspiration and sun bleaching. Fabrics are tested to make sure they are resistant to fire. Tests are made to see how much fabrics will stretch and whether or not they can easily return to their original shapes when stretched. Research chemists work to develop the test and then use the tests on the fabrics. Then they make recommendations to product manager.

Advertising, or communicating with the customer, is the responsibility of the marketing department. Advertising is a way of describing and selling a product to the consumer. 

Fashion promotion is another way of telling potential buyers about a product. The goal of fashion promotion is to promote a product to fashion magazines and other publications. Fashion promoters supply photographs of the product and press releases to magazine editors and newspapers or write articles for fashion magazines. They may promote an old product, or they may introduce a new product, fabric, or method of production.

Label development is the final stage. This involves planning what the labels on the product will say and how they will look. They contain important information that may help a buyer finally decide to buy a product.  Labels tell how to care for a garment, what its special features are and how it can be expected to wear.

After clothes are being advertised and marketed, clothes manufactures turn their attention to selling and distributing their clothes to the stores.

Apparel sales may be either retail or wholesale. In wholesale sales, clothes manufacturers sell their products to the stores. In retail sales the stores sell products to the consumer or customer. This is the responsibility of sales representatives and buyers.

Sales representatives are expected to visit the sales offices or the manufacturer several times a year for sales meetings where new lines are presented. They learn about the garments – how they are meant to be worn, how they are made, how they can be cared for.

II. Answer the questions:

  1. What is research?

  2. What is development?

  3. What do industrial engineers do?

  4. What do research chemists do?

  5. What problems do they decide in the field of textile research?

  6. What is advertising?

  7. What is fashion promotion?

  8. What do fashion promoters do?

  9. Why are labels so important?

  10. What do sales representatives do?


III. Find the English equivalents for:

вчений, хімік, розтягувати, магазин, реклама, роздріб, замовлення, оптова торгівля, виробник одягу

IV. Give definitions to the words:

an engineer, apparel industry, an advertisement, a consumer, promotion.


V. Translate the sentences into English:

  1. Дослідження та розвиток – це два процеси на виробництві для покращення якості та ефективності.

  2. Промисловий інженер розробляє та планує найшвидші шляхи створення речей.

  3. Потрібно детально розробити кожен крок процесу виробництва одягу.

  4. Дослідження та розвиток дозволяють полегшити та прискорити роботу людей.

  5. Хіміки-текстильники постійно розробляють нові тканини та матеріали для сучасного одягу.

  6. Розробка товару – важлива частина успішного представлення товару.

  7. Рекламою майбутнього товару займається багато професіоналів і навіть окремі підрозділи.

  8. Необхідно вивчити потреби ринку, досліджувати побажання і смаки покупців.

  9. Етикетка на одязі може багато розповісти про виробника, як носити одяг та доглядати за ним.

  10. Торгові представники компанії займаються продажем та розповсюдженням товару.

  11. Торгові представники повинні володіти повною інформацією про товар.


VI. Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate forms of the modal verbs.
1. Jane … play tennis well but she … play a game yesterday because she was ill.
a) couldn’t, could          b) can, was able            c)can, couldn’t

2. Where are your gloves? — You … put them on because it’s cold today.
a) can’t                b) have to            c) may

3. I… take an umbrella today. The Sun is shining.
a) needn’t            b) mustn’t            c) can’t

4. Well, it’s 9 o’clock. You … go now.
a) can                            b) has to              c) must

5. Some years ago I ….. speak English.
a) couldn’t           b) hasn’t to                   c) can’t 

6.  We have a little time. We … hurry.
a) can                            b) needn’t            c) should 

7. Do you think you’ll …. to write this test correctly?

a) must                 b) be able            c) may


VII. Translate into English. Use modal verbs. 

1. Я вмію створювати нові викрійки одягу.

2. Він зможе прийти завтра о 10 годині.

3. Я можу відчинити вікно?

4. Наші студенти можуть стати відомими дизайнерами.

5. Він зміг прийняти участь в конференції.

6. Вони можуть розмовляти англійською та іспанською.

7. Їй дозволять відвідати виставку завтра під час уроків.


VIII. Change sentences into passive. 

1. You must do these exercises tomorrow.

2. You can find the fabric you need in any department store.

3. We must send these letters at once.

4. They must do this work very carefully.

5. I can do the project in three days.

6. The students must return all the library books before each summer vacation. 


Список рекомендованої літератури: 

1. Англійська мова. Практична граматика для студентів напрямів підготовки “Технологія та дизайн текстильних матеріалів” та “Технологія виробів легкої промисловості” / Упор. А.М. Ткаленко – К.: КНУТД, 2013. - 34 с.

2. Англо-український термінологічний тлумачний словник з дизайну та текстилю. / К.Б. Кугай. – К.: КНУТД, 2012. – 312 с. Англ. мовою.

3. Барамикова Т.В., Ільєнко Л.П., Ганчик Н.Д. «ESP: Textiles and Dressmaking»: Підручник для студентів IІІ-IV курсів спеціальності «Технології швейного виробництва». – К.: КНУТД, 2009 – 306 с. – Англійською мовою. 


Grammar reference

Compare Active Simple and Passive Simple





This factory manufactures natural fabrics.


Natural fabrics are manufactured at this factory.


is              +V3



This factory manufactured natural fabrics.


Natural fabrics were manufactured at this factory.


were        + V3


This factory will manufacture natural fabrics.

will + V1

Natural fabrics will be manufactured at this factory.

will be     + V3


Compare Active Continuous and Passive Continuous





This designer  is making a new collection now.


is          +Ving


A new collection is being made by this designer now.


is       being + V3



This designer was making a new collection at this time last year.


were    +Ving

A new collection was being made by this designer at this time last year.


were  being  +V3


This designer will be making a new collection at this time next year.

will be +Ving




Compare Active Perfect and Passive Perfect





In the thousands of years people have created many different styles.

have/has + V3

Many different styles have been created by people.

have/has +been+ V3


People had created many different styles by that time.

had + V3

Many different styles had been created by people by that time.

had +been+V3


People will have created many different styles by the next century. 

Will have + V3

 Many different styles will have been created by people by the next century.

will/shall+have+been+ V3



are words that describe nouns or pronouns. They may come before the word they describe (That is an interesting book.) or they may follow the word they describe (That book is interesting). An adjective answers what? 

Here are some typical adjective endings :

-able/-ible understandable, incredible -al functional, -ful beautiful, -ic artistic, -ive attractive, -less sleeveless,  -ous dangerous   

Other adjectives, particularly short ones, do not have special endings:

Good, bad, young, old, big, small 

Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives

1. large-larger-the largest

2. small-smaller-the smallest

3. great-greater-the greatest


Односкладові прикметники утворюють ступені порівняння додаванням до основи прикметника закінчення er у вищому ступені, -est – у найвищому ступені


1. hot-hotter-the hottest

2. big-bigger-the biggest


Якщо односкладовий прикметник закінчується приголосною з попереднім коротким голосним звуком, то кінцева приголосна перед закінченням

-er/-est подвоюється


1. wealthy-wealthier-the wealthiest

2. early-earlier-the earliest


Якщо прикметник закінчується буквою -y з попередньою приголосною, то перед -er/-est  

-y змінюється на –i


1. attractive-more attractive-the most attractive

2. spectacular-more spectacular-the most spectacular

3. famous-more famous-the most famous


Багатоскладові прикметники утворюють ступені порівняння додаванням до основної форми прикметника слова more (більш) у вищому ступені і the most (найбільший) – у найвищому

1. good-better-the best

2. bad-worse-the worst

3. much/many-more-the most

4. little-less-the least


Ступені порівняння цих прикметників утворилися від інших коренів. Виключення

1. old-older/elder-the oldest/the eldest



2. far-farther/further-the farthest/the furthest


Форми elder і the eldest вживаються, коли йдеться про членів однієї родини (my elder brother), але, якщо при порівнянні є слово than (ніж), то вживається форма older (he is three years older than his brother).

Обидві форми farther і further вживаються, коли говорять про відстань, further, крім того, має ще значення „дальший, наступний


1. It’s better to visit London than to watch films about it.


2. The City is much older than the County of London.

3.St. Paul’s Cathedral is still the most spectacular church in Britain.


При порівнянні у реченні звичайно вживається сполучник than (ніж)


Для підвищення вищого ступеня вживаються слова much, far (набагато, значно); still (ще)

1.London is as attractive as Kyiv.


2. The East End is not so industrial as the West End.


При порівнянні предметів з однаковою мірою якості вживається прикметник в основній формі, який ставиться між asas

Для вираження меншої міри якості прикметник в основній формі ставиться між not soas


Modal verbs


Present Indefinite

Past Indefinite


Вміння,   здатність, можливість виконати дію



be able to + V

Дозвіл, прохання,





be allowed to + V
be permitted to + V

Обов'язок, необхідність



Have to + V 
be to + V 
be obliged to + V


Some expressions to be used while rendering the article

1. The title of the article


a) The article is headlined ...

b) The headline of the article I have read is ...

2. The author of the article; when and where the article was published


a) The author of the article is ...

b) The article is written by …

c) 1t is (was) published in …

3. The main idea of the article


a) The main idea of the article is) ...

b) The article is about ...

c) It is devoted to ...

d) The article deals with …

e) The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on …

4. The content of the article


a) The author starts by telling the readers about (that) …

b) The author writes (states, stresses, points out) that …

c) The article describes ...

d) According to it ...

e) The author goes on to say that ...

f) In conclusion ...

g) The author comes to the conclusion that …

5. Your opinion of the article


I found the article interesting (important, useful, too hard to understand, of no value)

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