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Basic Materials for Students English as Second Foreign Language, КНЛУ

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Basic Materials for Students English as Second Foreign Language

Major: 6.020303 “Philology” (“Translation”)

Translators\Interpreters’ Department


Kyiv– 2013






з дисципіни

“Друга іноземна мова (англійська)”

для студентів IV курсу

6.020303 напрям підготовки „ Філологія” (“Переклад”)

факультет перекладачів


Київ – 2013

I. Basic requirements for students' knowledge and skills

1.1. Level of English Language Proficiency on Entry

The aim of the English Language Course is to further 3rd year trainees’ professional competencies and language awareness. It is intended to develop and further trainees’ skills of self-education, of applying acquired knowledge in their professional sphere.

At the beginning of the third year trainees are expected to:

- understand standard spoken language in live and recorded delivery, on both familiar and unfamiliar topics encountered in personal, social, academic or vocational life;

- demonstrate an active grasp of an expanded vocabulary related to general topics of current interest as well as professional relevance;

- use language fluently, accurately and effectively in oral interaction in seminars, lectures and presentations;

- understand information stated both implicitly and explicitly in different text types including original fiction, articles and reports on general and professional topics;

- express themselves with clarity and precision in different genres of written discourse (e.g. business letters, reports, essays, etc.);

- show their knowledge of socio-cultural information encountered in the topics of the second year and to be able to communicate in English using this knowledge.

1.2. Aims

The principles of the English Language Course for the 3-rd year trainees are realised through the following set of aims:


- to carry on developing all four major skills to enable trainees to reach target Level 3;

- to further develop trainees’ ability to use a wide range of structures and lexis in oral and written communication with regard to situation and register;

- to enable trainees to acquire a better understanding of the way of life of English speaking peoples, their values and behaviour;

- to expand trainees’ range of academic learning experiences in order to contribute to the further development of their cognitive skills and to the growth of their awareness of themselves as autonomous learners.

Cognitive: to expose the trainees to academic activities that draw on and further develop the full range of their cognitive abilities.

Affective: to develop the trainees’ confidence as users and future teachers of the language and to foster positive attitudes and feelings towards learning the target language and about the culture of the English-speaking world.

Educational: to raise trainees’ awareness of their preferences in learning strategies; contribute to building a coherent sense of group identity inside and outside the class.

Professional: in the course of their own language learning, to introduce the trainees, and get them accustomed to the new methods of teaching and learning.

Social: to facilitate and develop in the trainees’ self-awareness and interpersonal skills that will enable them to function better in and outside the world of university.

1.3. Objectives

By the end of the third year trainees will be able to:

- be ready to further their own linguistic development autonomously through interaction in the target language;

- use the target language to communicate with:

- high grammatical accuracy and a wide range of structural and intonation patterns with few systematic errors;

- a good command of a broad lexical repertoire, including idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms;

- a sufficient degree of fluency and spontaneity;

- effective adjustments of expression appropriate to different situations and levels of formality in professional and non-professional spheres;

- listen selectively, attend to and understand argument, digression and implication within all but very idiomatic usage; to follow extended speech on familiar and unfamiliar abstract and complex topics, although needing to confirm occasional details especially if the accent is unfamiliar;

- read texts of different styles on familiar and unfamiliar topics and understand hypothesis, argumentation, supported opinions, viewpoints and reflections;

- be able to write well-structured, cohesive texts of the types listed below:

- essays or reports which develop an argument, giving reasons and support for or against a particular point of view and explaining the advantages and disadvantages of various options;

- clear detailed descriptions and reviews of their experiences and observations and of a variety of subjects related to their professional and personal interests;

- be able to make effective use of all available reference resources and sources of input to further their language learning development;

- show a wide-ranging familiarity with socio-cultural background of the English-speaking world and be able to use this knowledge appropriately for communicating in both professional and non-professional contexts.


Academic subject general characteristics

Direction, professional orientation, education and qualification level

Academic subject type and structure

Number of credits ECTS: 11

Number of modules: 2

Number of thematic modules: 5

Total number of hours for subject learning: 396


class work hours – 174

self-study work hours – 222

Number of class hours per week:

VII term – 6 hrs.

VIII term – 6 hrs.

Number of self-study work hours per week:

VII term – 9 hrs.

VIII term – 6 hrs.

Major code and name: 0305 – Philology

Professional orientation code and name:

6.020303 “Translation”

Education and qualification degree: Bachelor

Syllabus name: fundamental and professionally-oriented subjects “Englishas SecondForeignLanguage


Year IV


Assessment: examination


Credit Module

Total number of hours/credits

Classroom work (hours)

Self-study work (hours)


VII term

Module I

Topic 3.1

Topic 3.2

Topic 3.3

Module Assessment













MT 1

In total for the VII term





VІII term

Module II

Topic 3.4

Topic 3.5

Module Assessment










MT 2

In total for the VIII term





In total for the year






VII term

Module №1

Topic areas
Classroom work

Self-study work

Topic 3.1

Britain and the British

Total number of hours – 36, including: 36 hours – classroom work

40 hours, including 20 hrs. – preparation for practical classes;

10 hrs. – self-study assignments, project work;

10 hrs. – individual reading.

Topic 3.2

The USA and the Americans

Total number of hours – 30, including: 30 hours – classroom work

36 hours, including 20 hrs. – preparation for practical classes;

8 hrs. – self-study assignments, project work;

8 hrs. – individual reading.

Topic 3.3

Ukraine and the Ukrainians

Total number of hours –36, including: 34 hrs. – classroom work,

2 hours– module test

38 hours, including 20 hrs. – preparation for practical classes;

8 hrs. – self-study assignments, project work;

10 hrs. – individual reading;

Module Assessment

Topic Revision

0 hours

36 hours, including 32 hours – preparation for the eхam;

4 hours – eхamination.

VIII term

Module №2

Topic areas

Classroom work

Self-study work

Topic 3.4

Keeping Up To Date

 Total number of hours – 30, including: 30 hours – classroom work

18hours, including 10 hrs. – preparation for practical classes;

4 hrs. – self-study assignments;

4 hrs. – individual reading.

Topic 3.5

The World Around Us

Total number of hours - 42, including: 40 hrs. - classroom work;

 2 hours– module test

18 hours, including 8 hrs. – preparation for practical classes;

4 hrs. – self-study assignments;

6 hrs. – individual reading;

Module Assessment

Topic Revision

0 hours

36 hours, including 32 hours – preparation for the eхam;

4 hours – eхamination.


I. Read the text and answer the questions in writing.

1. How many TV sets do American households usually have?

2. How many of them would you like to have? Why?

3. What is the variety of programmes on TV?

4. Why do we call a drama “soap opera”? How is it connected with soap?

5. What do they have for children on TV?

6. What about evening entertainment?

7. What are the three national networks?

8. How should we use a cable TV?

9. What are the advantages of cable TV?

10. What is TV criticized for?

11. How does the TV influence people/children/students/teachers/you?


By far, the most popular leisure time activity is watching television. There is at least one TV set in 98% of American households, and many have two or three. Two thirds of homes also have a videocassette recorder (VCR), which is capable of recording and playing back sound and picture. Television satisfies many of the other interests that Americans enjoy — sports, news, music, theatre, and movies. For those that are at home during the day, there is afternoon fare consisting of game shows and serialized dramas commonly called "soap operas". (The opera part of the name comes from the complicated plots and incredible story lines. "Soap "comes from the fact that, in pre-television days, the sponsors of serialized radio dramas were sellers of soap and other products purchased by listeners.) For pre-school children, TV offers clever programmes that educate while entertaining. Saturday mornings are also for the children, who are "treated" to hours of animated cartoons. At dinnertime, the local and national news is broadcast for a half hour or an hour. Evening entertainment consists mostly of situation comedies (sitcoms) which portray some aspect of life (family, singles, elderly, and so forth) in a "humorous" way. Every other line of dialogue is expected to produce a laugh. In case it doesn't, recorded laughter is provided. There are also adventure shows, dramas, and various weekly shows which have the same cast of characters and general theme but a different story each week.

The production of television programmes is dominated by three national networks. They are the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), and the National Broadcasting Company (NBC). These are privately owned companies that sell advertising time for a profit. Most television stations are affiliated with one of those networks, which provides programming to the member stations. As a result, programmes pro­duced by a network are broadcast all over the nation. Another network, the Public Broadcasting System, is a non-commercial company funded by public and private grants. Much of the broadcasting on the network is wit­hout advertising. Because it does not depend on advertising for support, it can broadcast programmes that do not appeal to mass audiences, such as the plays of George Bernard Shaw or William Shakespeare, concerts, and in-depth discussions of news events.

For those that want more TV than the regular stations provide, cable TV is available in many parts of the country. To receive cable TV, one must pay a monthly subscription fee. Wires and a special tuner are attached to the TV set to enable the subscriber to receive the cable broadcasts. Cable stations tend to specialize in one type of programmes. There are stations for sports, movies, music videos, business, health, and the arts. Unlike commercial stations, programmes on cable TV are not usually interrupted for commercials.

Many people have criticized television programming. They complain that it does not challenge the intellect, shows too much violence, and appeals to the least educated of viewers in order to get the largest audience. To a great extent, these criticisms are correct. But there are also many excellent TV programmes available for people who are selective in their viewing.

Television has become the main source of information and entertainment for the average American. It is estimated that by the time a child reaches 18, he or she has spent almost twice as much time watching TV as in the class­room. Many people are concerned about TV's influence. News is edited and condensed to fit into two or three minutes per event. Unrealistic family and social situations are portrayed, with all problems easily solved within a half hour, giving the young a distorted view of life. How has TV affected the young people who grew up watching it? Unquestionably, children learn a lot from TV shows, but not all of it is appropriate or positive. American concerns about the low level of many popular TV shows have led to TV's insulting nickname, “the boob tube”. Moreover, many educators believe that today's American stu­dents read and write less well than students of earlier generations because so much of their knowledge has come to them via TV and film rather than the printed word.

II. Comment on the following statements:

1. For pre-school children, TV offers clever programmes that educate while entertaining.

2. Privately owned companies sell advertising time for a profit.

3. If you want more TV, cable TV is available for you.

4. Many people criticize television programming.

5. Television has become the main source of information and entertainment for the average American.

III. Make up your own sentences with the phrases given below:

1. The most popular leisure time activity of … is …

2. … is capable of …

3. At dinner time, … is broadcast for … hour(s).

4. … in a humorous way.

5. For those who want/like …, … is available in …

6. … is/are attached to …

7. … became the main source of … for …

8. It is estimated that …

9. Unquestionably, …

IV. Continue the phrases:

leisure …; to watch … ; to listen to … ; videocassette … ; serialized … ; soap … ; animated …; recorded … ; broadcasting … ; national … ; cable … ; monthly …

V. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Визначити що таке “новини” складне завдання, оскільки новини – умовне поняття.

2. Незважаючи на всі непереборні перешкоди встановити всеохоплююче визначення, журналісти знайшли загальне рішення і визначили спільні риси новин.

3. Телебачення та радіо обслуговує людей з різними інтересами.

4. Професійні журналісти поєднуються в Національний прес-клуб, суспільну непартійну організацію.

5. Британське радіомовлення підзвітне народу через Парламент.

6. Всі засоби масової інформації мають справи з новинами.

7. Сама ідея щодо новин значно змінилась останнім часом.

Газети майже завжди фінансово незалежні від будь-якої політичної партії, але це не означає, що вони взагалі не дотримуються якоїсь певної політичної спрямованості.




The total semester rating of a student is comprised of average marks for in-class and self-study work (times x10) and rating points for the module test:

max. 50+20= 70 points.

Current evaluation of all kinds of student’s academic activities is made in accordance with the national 4 point system (“5”, “4”, “3”, “2”).

The system of rating points and assessment criteria

The type of student’s learning activity

The maxi­mum point

Rating points

Criteria of assessment


Practical classes express-control during a module and independent project based on the studied material (performed during modules)







Maximum level of performance.

Correct phonetic, grammatical and lexical speech presentation. Logical and coherent structuring of oral and written speech. The use of lexical units studied within the module. Independent creative project fulfilment. The quality of performance is within 90-100%.

Sufficiently high level of performance.

Correct phonetic, grammatical and lexical speech presentation. Logical structuring of oral and written speech. Insufficient usage of lexical units studied within the module. Independent creative project fulfilment. The quality of performance is within 75-89%.

Average level of performance.

Partial lack of correctness in phonetic, grammatical and lexical presentation of oral or written speech. Partial distortion of speech logical structuring. Insufficient use of lexical units studied within the module. Partially independent project fulfilment (under teacher’s supervision). The quality of performance is within 60-74 %.

Low level of performance.

Incorrect phonetic, grammatical and lexical presentation of oral or written speech. Lack of competence in coherent speech structuring and usage of the module lexical minimum. Poor quality of project performance (59% and less).

Absence from the lessons, no self-study assignments.


Modular control






Maximum level of performance (90-100%).

In receptive speech activities (listening comprehension and reading) the level of comprehension is 90-100%.

In productive speech activities (speaking and writing): a complete conformity with the subject matter; logical and coherent speech structuring; usage of diverse language means; correspondence between the number of presented sentences and that which is required by the program (27-30 sentences).

Adequate oral and written sentence/text translation.

Phonetic, lexical and grammatical competence (90-100%); minor language errors (1-2 in written and 2 in oral speech).

Sufficiently high level of performance (75-89%).

In receptive speech activities (listening comprehension and reading) the level of comprehension is 75-89%.

In productive speech activities (speaking and writing): a complete conformity with the subject matter; logical and coherent speech structuring; usage of diverse language means; the number of presented sentences is 20-26.

Adequate oral and written sentence/text translation.

Phonetic, lexical and grammatical competence (75-89%); some language errors (3-5 in written and 3-5 in oral speech).

Average level of performance (60-74%).

In receptive speech activities (listening comprehension and reading) the level of comprehension is 60-74%.

In productive speech activities (speaking and writing): a conformity with the subject matter; logical speech structuring; scarce language means; the number of presented sentences is 14-19. The tempo of speech performance is slowed down.

Inadequate oral and written sentence/text translation. Incorrect usage of grammatical structures, lexical items and phonetic patterns.

Phonetic, lexical and grammatical competence (60-74%); some language errors (6-8 in written and 6-8 in oral speech).

Low level of performance (59% and less).

In receptive speech activities (listening comprehension and reading) the level of comprehension is 49% and lower.

In productive speech activities (speaking and writing): an incomplete conformity with the subject matter; lack of logical speech structuring; scarce language means; the number of presented sentences is 8-13.

Inadequate oral and written sentence/text translation. The tempo of speech performance is slowed down.

Phonetic, lexical and grammatical competence (40% and less); language errors (9 and more both in written and oral speech).


At the end of learning of academic material of the module the teacher gives average marks for in-class and self-study work of the student. Then students write the module test. The test is planned for 2/4 academic hours and is composed of a listening comprehension task, a reading task, lexico-grammatical tasks, writing and mediation.


module test and its assessment

6.1. Test Level

Trainees are expected to be able to use the structures of the English language with ease and fluency in different communicative situations. They should be able to demonstrate their ability to use the expanded range of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions, and their awareness of the relationship between language and culture, and of the significance of register. They are expected to understand information presented in factual and fictional texts and to infer meaning from context. They should be able to produce long and complex utterances and written texts of specified types including some forms of academic writing.

6.2. Test Content

The test should consist of five parts, each of which will include a variety of item and task types:

Test Part










Language Use








6.2.1. Part 1: Listening

Trainees will listen to at least two passages which will be representative of the text types and topics specified in the syllabus for Year 3. They will be expected to employ the listening skills specified in the syllabus, which can be divided into four main categories: understanding gist, understanding details, understanding attitude, and identifying specific information.

The passages should be recorded in a variety of accents of Standard English against a natural background. Each text is heard twice and should last no longer than 3 minutes.

Main Focus

Item Type

Understanding gist




Understanding details



Sentence completion


Identifying specific information


Following a route on a map

Filling in a table/chart

Sorting events, names, objects, etc.

Understanding attitude

Multiple choice

Sentence completion

Open-ended answers

Trainees’ responses will be assessed using an agreed marking scheme.

6.2.2. Part 2: Reading

Trainees will read at least two texts, which will be representative of the text types and topics specified in the syllabus for Year 3. They will be expected to employ the reading skills specified in the syllabus, which can be divided into five main categories: understanding gist, understanding details, understanding text structure, identifying specific information, inferring meaning in terms of ideas and attitude. The test will include at least two texts (500-850 words each) followed by different item types.

Main Focus

Item Type

Understanding gist


Open-ended short answers

Understanding details

Multiple choice



Identifying specific information

Multiple choice


Filling in a table/chart

Sorting out events, names, objects, etc.

Understanding text structure

Gapped text


Inferring ideas and attitudes

Multiple choice



Open ended short answers

Trainees’ performance will be assessed using an agreed marking scheme.

6.2.3. Part 3: Language Use

Trainees are expected to demonstrate a high degree of grammatical accuracy and fluency and an appropriate use of a wide range of the vocabulary specified in the syllabus for Year 3. The test will include two sections: Grammar and Vocabulary.

Main Focus

Item Type



Sentence completion

Error correction

Multiple choice cloze

Word formation

“Key” word transformations Open cloze

Sentence formation Matching

Note expansion


Same as for Grammar above

Trainees’ performance will be assessed according to an agreed marking scheme.

6.2.4. Part 4: Mediation

Trainees are expected to demonstrate their knowledge and control of the language system by translating a number of sentences or a simple text using grammar and vocabulary specified in the syllabus for Year 3.

Main Focus

Item Type

Grammar and vocabulary

Translation of sentences

Translation of a text

Trainees’ performance will be assessed according to an agreed marking scheme.

6.2.5. Part 5: Writing

Trainees are expected to produce a text, which will be based on the topics specified in the syllabus for Year 3. Trainees are required to deal with verbal or visual input. They will be asked to produce a business letter (up to 100 words), and an essay (up to 300 words) or a factual report (up to 250 words). Preferably the test task should indicate the purpose, the audience and the context.

Main Focus

Task Type

Public writing

Writing a business letter

Academic writing

Writing an essay

Writing a factual report

Trainees’ performance will be assessed according to an agreed marking scheme.

6.3. Module Test Assessment


The objects of assessment

The criteria for assessment

1. Listening (monologue/dialogue)

Comprehension of the recorded text.

1. Full understanding of the suggested text.

2. Incomplete understanding of the suggested text.

3. The lack of understanding of the suggested text as a whole piece.

2. Reading (texts of different genres)

Comprehension of the presented text and its structure.

The degree of comprehension of the presented text (just, complete understanding, details).

3. Language Use

Completing a number of tasks using grammar and vocabulary studied within the module (multiple-choice, sentence completion, multiple choice cloze, word formation, open cloze, sentence formation, matching, translation of sentences and short texts).

Full correct, full incorrect, incomplete, and incorrect.

4. Mediation

Translation of sentences,

 the presented text, using grammar and vocabulary studied within the module

Demonstration of the acquired skills in mediation.

5. Writing (writing of personal letters, letters to organizations, resumes and CVs, essays, report outlines, film reviews)

Meeting the requirements for standard letter/essay writing (correct lay out); the ability to maintain the structure of letters, essays, etc. (opening greeting, the body of the letter, the closing greeting).

Demonstration of the acquired skills in written speech.

The module test is evaluated in 4 points system. These marks are transformed into rating points in the following way:

The module test

“5” – 20 points;

“4” – 16 points;

“3” – 12 points;

“2” – 8 points;

Being absent from the module test – 0 points.

The total semester rating of a student is comprised of:

average marks for in-class and self-study work x10 +rating points for the MT

The students whose rating during the semester comprises 63 - 70 points get a "5" (excellent) without taking any examination.

The final mark for the module is given as a sum of the semester rating point and the examination points.

Module Test №1

for "English as Second Foreign Language Development"

for Speciality 6.020303


for the students of the fourth year

Variant A

Part I. Listening


South Bank Arts Centre, Guildhall, ‘’walk through the ages’’, Fournier Street, Lime Street, Marco Pierre White, Covent Garden, King’s Road, Knightsbridge, Harrods, Harvey Nichols, Soho, Charing Cross Road, rave gear=trendy clothes.

Listen to the tape and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best. (max. 6 points)

1. What is the most outstanding characteristic of London?

A The number of hotels.

B The number of historic sites.

C The number of landmarks.

D The number of theatres.

2. What has recently happened alongside the river?

A The area has been redeveloped.

B A new bridge has been built.

C New warehouses have been built.

D Old warehouses have been torn down.

3. The City of London

A was built by Sir Christopher Wren.

B is mainly made up of churches.

C is a museum of architecture.

D contains different styles of architecture.

4. The new English cuisine is

A well represented by White’s restaurant.

B only available at the Hyde Park Hotel.

C available in all London restaurants.

D not worth the price the diner is expected to pay.

5. What does the speaker think of London’s shopping facilities?

A They are too expensive for most people.

B They provide for a variety of tastes.

C They are all quite reasonably priced.

D They don’t have enough customers.

6. Before the 1980’s, Soho was

A neat and tidy.

B popular among foreigners.

C very crowded.

D unsafe and unclean.

Part II. Reading

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the necessary words from the box. (max. 10 points)

Europe, stripes, Seal, signify, symbolize, eagle, authentic, bill, breast, claw

Throughout history, governments have used official seals to (1) ______ that documents are (2) ______. The United States, wanting to show its equal rank with the governments of (3) ______, adopted the Great (4) ______ in 1782. Both sides of the seal can be found on the back of a one-dollar (5) ______. The face of the seals shows an American bald (6) ______ with a shield on its (7) ______. There are thirteen (8) ______ to represent the thirteen original states. The thirteen leaves and olives in one (9) ______ and thirteen arrows in the other (10) ______ the nation’s desire for peace but its ability to wage war. The reverse side of the seal shows a pyramid with thirteen layers, representing the Union.

Part III. Vocabulary and Grammar.

a) Fill in the gaps with the relevant words from the topical vocabulary. (max. 10 points)

1. _______ (having little depth) water is warmer than deep water.

2. The USA naturally presents a _______ (vast and huge) variety in physical features and climate.

3. In Britain many people think that a system of a simple _______ (the greater number of votes/seats) is unfair.

4. In America a _______ (a statute in draft, before it becomes law) is debated in both chambers and only then signed by the President.

5. Cornwall has been famous for its _______ (soft white rock) cliffs since the medieval times.

6. The Lincoln Memorial presents two _______ (wall paintings) with symbols of freedom and justice.

7. Some rives are connected by _______ (an artificial waterway constructed for navigation).

8. The committee can _______ (postpone) the bill.

9. The Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada is _______ (chosen officially) by the members of the Verkhovna Rada.

10. The _______ (having three prongs) is an ancient symbol of the Ukrainian people, dating back more than 3000 years.

b) Insert the necessary articles. (max. 6 points)

1. In the west ____ England is washed by ____ Bristol Channel.

2. ____ Ben Nevis is the highest peak of ____ Great Britain.

3. You must visit ____ National Gallery when you are in London.

4. ____ Oxford University is one of the most famous in the world.

c) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of passive voice. (max. 6 points)

1. People _____ (to advise) not to leave their cars while touring Downing Street.

2. The question of social benefits _____ (to discuss) in the House of Commons tomorrow.

3. The building of the Shakespeare’s Royal Theatre _____ (to rebuild) twice.

4. The tickets to London _____ (to book) by the next week, I promise.

5. The annual report _____ (to prepare) at the moment, as this happens to be the end of the financial year.

6. Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II _____ (to crown) in 1952.

d) Choose the correct item. (max. 6 points)

1. _____we go to the theatre?

A Should B Will C Shall

2. You _____ see a doctor as soon as possible.

A need B should C are to

3. I _____ come to the party yesterday because I had a lot of work.

A shouldn’t B couldn’t C might not

4. Take the umbrella with you. It _____ rain.

A can B must C might

5. You _____ have cooked so much food.

A could B need C shouldn’t

6. _____ you mind closing the door?

A Could B Should C Would

e) Rewrite the sentences using appropriate phrasal verbs in the box instead of underlined words. (max. 6 points)

blow up

hand out

point out

turn down

come up

leave out

show up

turn in

give up

let down

talk over

turn off

go after

put together

light up

throw away

1. The students didn’t understand one of the problems. They discussed it thoroughly.

2. Keep all your old notes. Please don’t discard them.

3. The teacher rejected my topic proposal.

4. Please extinguish all lights upon leaving the room.

5. A question arose about the science project.

6. The exam results were very bad. They disappointed me.

Part IV. Writing

Opt for one of the tasks. (about 100 words) (max. 5 points)

a) You are the author of the book “An Outline of American Geography”. Make a report to a group of Ukrainian students on the most important points about the geographical position of the country, its landscapes, the most important rivers and climate. Compare America to Ukraine in terms of the geographical position.

b) Compare the cultural differences and identities of the three countries (the UK, the USA, Ukraine) in the article you are going to contribute to one of the famous magazines.

c) You have just returned from Britain and from America. What impressed you most of all is the political system in both countries. Describe it (using a comparative analysis) to your best friend who has come to see you after a long period of time.

Part V. Mediation

Translate into English. (max. 5 points)

1. У Великобританії ви зустрінете дикі безлюдні гори, загадкові ліси, мілкі річки, родючі рівнини, пасовища та долини. Завдяки сприятливим кліматичним умовам, природа виглядає як один великий добре доглянутий парк. Британські острови відокремлені від Європейського континенту Північним морем, Ла-Маншем та Па-де-Кале.

2. Виконавча влада в США належить Президенту, який обирається на 4 роки і є главою держави й уряду. За Конституцією Президент – головнокомандуючий збройних сил. Міністри призначаються Президентом, але їх призначення має бути підтверджене Сенатом. Законодавча влада належить Конгресу, що складається з двох палат: Сенату і Палати представників.

3. Давня мрія українського народу здійснилась 1 грудня 1991 року. Україна стала вільною державою. Вона має свою власну територію та місцеві органи державної влади, уряд, національну емблему, державний прапор і гімн. Столицею є Київ – скарбниця стародавніх духовних традицій слов`янських націй. У Києві є багато визначних історичних пам‘яток. Не дивно, що кияни пишаються своїм містом.

System of Rating Points (Parts I, II, III)

The number of correct answers

Level of performance

Rating points
















For Part IV (Writing), Part V (Mediation) students may get max. 5 points for each task.

The total Rating for test is comprised of :

Parts I, II, III

Part IV (Writing)

Part V (Mediation)

max. 10 points

max. 5 points

max. 5 points

System of Rating points and Assessment Criteria

Rating point

Level of Performance

Module Test Point

Traditional grade

















Authors: senior teacher N. B. Chumak, senior teacher H. I. Stashko

Module Test 1is approved at the sitting of the English Language Department.

Protocol № 4 of 25.11.2010

Chair of the English Language Department L. M. Yatsenko


Final assessment in subject “English as a second language” consists of oral examination (in semester VII and semester VIII), comprising three tasks:

1) rendering and commenting on the Ukrainian newspaper article in English;

2) speaking on the suggested situation (without prior preparation);

3) translation of the eхtract into English (without prior preparation).

“Excellent” is given for:

1. Rendering and commenting on the Ukrainian newspaper article in English:

- full, accurate and substantial interpretation of an article with personal appraisal. 1-2 grammatical or lexical mistakes are allowed.

2. Speaking on the suggested situation:

- complete adherence to the subject;

- logical presentation and covering of the subject;

- use of various language means required by the programme;

- free and easy speaking;

- free and full command of the lexical minimum envisaged by the curriculum. 1-2 grammatical mistakes are allowed.

3. Translation of the given extract into English:

- excellent knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. Not more than two language mistakes are allowed.

“Good” is given for:

1. Rendering and commenting on the Ukrainian newspaper article in English:

- logical, communicative and substantial interpretation of an article with personal appraisal. 3-4 grammatical mistakes are allowed.

2. Speaking on the suggested situation:

- complete adherence to the subject;

- logical presentation and covering of the subject;

- use of language means required by the programme;

- a free command of the lexical minimum envisaged by the curriculum. 3-4 language mistakes are allowed.

3. Translation of the given extract into English:

- good knowledge of vocabulary and grammar; 3-4 language mistakes are allowed.

“Satisfactory” is given for:

1. Rendering and commenting on the Ukrainian newspaper article in English:

- partially adequate rendering of the given Ukrainian article;

- partially appropriate comments on the message of the newspaper article. 5-7 grammar or lexical mistakes are allowed.

2. Speaking on the suggested situation:

- satisfactory speaking;

- a satisfactory command of the lexical minimum envisaged by the curriculum;

- scarce language means;

- speech tempo and reaction are slowed down.

3. Translation of the given extract into English:

- insufficient knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. 5-7 language mistakes are allowed.

“Poor” is given for:

1. Rendering and commenting on the Ukrainian newspaper article in English:

- illogical interpretation of an article with personal appraisal. More than 8 grammatical mistakes.

2. Speaking on the suggested situation:

- unsatisfactory speaking;

- an unsatisfactory command of the lexical minimum envisaged by the curriculum;

- the absence of logic in speech;

- speech tempo and reaction are slowed down.

3. Translation of the given extract into English:

- poor knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. More than 8 lexical or grammatical mistakes.

The maximum rating of a student for the examination is 30 points. The correlation between traditional grades and points is as follows:

30 points - 5 (excellent)

23 points - 4 (good)

18 points - 3 (satisfactory)

0 points - 2 (poor)

A student's final rating is a sum of term and examination rating points. The correlation between traditional grades and ECTS is as follows:

Final rating point

ECTS mark

Final mark in national scale

90 – 100



82 –89



75 – 81


66 – 74



60 – 65


40 – 59



with the possibility to re-sit the examination

39 and lower



with the obligatory study of the course once more


Task 1. Render and comment on the Ukrainian newspaper article in English.

Місто з одним недоліком

От що значить “політична стурбованість”: Сан-Франциско, американське місто, розташоване між однойменною затокою та Тихим океаном, батьківщина Джека Лондона і місце народження Організації Об’єднаних Націй, в українській свідомості дедалі міцніше зв’язується на одному персонажі – сумно відомому Павлові Івановичі. Принаймні переглядаючи архів “ДТ” у пошуках усіх згадок про це місто, із неповних двох сотень (!) посилань, певне, 99% були присвячені довгограючому серіалові у справі Лазаренка. Тому, мабуть, слід нагадати співгромадянам, що Сан Франциско – одне з найпопулярніших серед туристів міст світу і знамените аж ніяк не місцем посадки українського екс-прем’єра.

Вражаюче місто Сан-Франциско (або Фріско, як називають його американці, охочі до скорочень будь-яких імен) було засноване 1776 року іспанцями, котрі назвали його на честь святого Франциска. У середині ХІХ століття воно стало стрімко зростати – Каліфорнією ширилася золота лихоманка. Рівно сто років тому, 1906-го, Сан-Франциско, розташований у небезпечній сейсмічній зоні, майже повністю зруйнували восьмибальний землетрус і виникла згодом сильна пожежа.

Сьогодні Фріско – одне з найгарніших міст США. Це невелике навіть за нашими мірками місто(близько 770 тисяч жителів) лежить не на семи, не на дванадцяти, а на цілих сорока пагорбах, що робить його ландшафт дуже своєрідним. Сан-Франциско оточений водою океану і затоки з трьох боків, що створює в ньому особливий клімат – тут немає спеки і досить холодно навіть літніми ночами. На місто часто сідає густий туман, котрий став таким же його атрибутом, як міст Золоті ворота. Втім, про атрибути окремо. А почнемо з вулиць, які тут можуть мати ухил до35 градусів. На таких вулицях машини паркують не вздовж тротуару, а під гострим кутом до нього: інакше скочуватимуться вниз. Одна з таких вулиць Ломбард – є одним із символів Сан-Франциско. Ломбард вигинається мов змія, і в межах одного кварталу десять разів змінює напрямок.

Крутими вулицями роз’їжджають трамваї – ще один символ Сан-Франциско, який став справжнім музеєм міських трамваїв. Влада Фріско пішла шляхом, відмінним від типово американського. Відомо, що американські автомобільні гіганти після війни сприяли знищенню трамваїв як класу, щоб замість них містами їздили лише приватні автомобілі. Плюс – нехай уже – автобуси. У цій справі вони досягли чималих успіхів у всіх містах величезної країни. Але не в Сан-Франциско. У 80-х роках минулого століття це багатонаціональне і багаторасове місто стало ще й неофіційною столицею.

Найстаріший трамвай у Сан-Франциско був виготовлений ще 1895 року, сьогодні його вигулюють лише в особливих випадках.

Цікавинкою ж місцевого трамвайного музею є остання у світі система так званих кабельних трамваїв. Кабельний, або ж канатний, трамвай – це різновид фунікулера. Між звичайними рейками прокладено спеціальний металевий канат у жалобі. Канати з допомогою двигунів (нині електричних, а в минулому – парових), розміщених у певних місцях міста, тягнуть вагони вулицями на крутосхилах. Цей транспорт, створений наприкінці ХІХ століття, через низку технічних недоліків (передусім малу швидкість) поступово зник. І тільки у Фріско він залишився живим символом епохи становлення міста і засобом пересування для туристів. На незліченних сувенірах із символами Сан-Франциско зображений вагончик епохи модерн, тож будьте певні, це – саме кабельний трамвай.

Головним же символом Тріско, є, звісно ж, міст Золоті ворота. Побудований 1933 року інженером Джозефом Штраусом, він з’єднав місто і південну частину мису Марін-Каунті. Довжина моста – 1970 метрів, висота опор – 230 метрів над водою, від проїжджої частини до поверхні води – 67 метрів, колір споруди – жовтогарячий. Таким міст був із самісінького початку, оскільки фарби цього відтінку містять свинець, необхідний для захисту від іржі. Дбаючи про екологічну безпеку, влада міста посилено шукає заміну шкідливому свинцю, але поки не знаходить. Ідея пофарбувати міст в інший, екологічніший, колір викликає протести в городян. Витончений шедевр трохи псує захисна сітка, яка слугує перешкодою для потенційних самогубців – за час існування моста з нього кинулися близько сотні тих, хто зневірився в житті.

Не меншої уваги, ніж міст, заслуговує його тезко – парк Золоті ворота. Це найбільший рукотворний парк у країні площею 411 гектарів. Усього ж у Сан-Франциско 160 парків і скверів з надзвичайно гарною рослинністю. Тут панує практично вічна весна, що дуже сприятливо діє на безліч рослин, птахів і дрібної живності.

Новим символом міста, ще не викарбуваним на сувенірах, є...... морські леви. Колонія цих тварин із сімейства вусатих тюленів чудово почувається, розташувавшись практично в центрі Сан-Франциско. Головною вулицею тут, як у всіх приморських містах, є набережна, що має назву Рибальський причал. Це гучна, велелюдна набережна, на якій грають вуличні музиканти – поодинці і групами, виступають із номерами вуличні артисти.

Олег Супруненко

Task 2. Speak on the suggested situation.

Situations for the examination (Semester VII)

1. You are the British politician. Describe the peculiarities of political parties in the UK.

2. You’ve read a book about the British, their traits of character. Now share the information with your friend who doesn’t know anything about the British people.

3. You are the author of the book “An Outline of English Geography”. Make a report on the most important points about the geographical position of the country, its landscapes, the most important rivers and climate.

4. You have just returned from Britain. You liked this country very much. Share your impressions with your friend who has never been to Britain. Tell him/her about some peculiarities of Englishmen, their preference in food, their attitude to animals, the poor, what they do in their free time etc.

5. You are a travel agent and represent the UK. Say about the peculiar features of the countries included in the UK.

6. You are the British politician. Tell about the peculiarities of the political system in Great Britain.

7. You have just returned from London. Tell what sights you have visited, what has impressed you most of all.

8. You are taking part in the famous intellect show. The discussion is devoted to the problem of immigrants, ethnic groups in the USA. Express your point of view on this topic.

9. You are a teacher of geography. Today the lesson is devoted to physical geography of the USA. Tell the pupils the main points on this topic.

10. You have just returned from America. What impressed you most of all is the political system. Describe it to your best friend who has come at your place to see you after a long period of time.

11. You are an American politician. Tell your Ukrainian colleagues about political parties in the United States.

12. You are fond of countries, cultures, nationalities. Try to help your friend who is leaving tomorrow choose the right way how to behave in the USA. Describe typical American habits, features of character, their leisure time spending etc.

13. You work in a travel agency. Tell your clients about the most celebrated cities and towns of the USA. Persuade them to visit at least one city/town.

14. You have an opportunity to move to the USA. What state will you choose? Why?

15. Washington is your native city. Tell your Ukrainian friend about this city, why you like to live there.

16. You have seen the film about Canada. Summarize what you have learnt about this country.

17. You have seen the documentary film about Australia. Tell what interesting things you have learnt about this country, why Australia is called the land of blue mountains.

18. Spread upon the climate of Ukraine as if you were a native citizen of this country.

19. You have a pen-friend from London whom you want to invite. But he knows nothing about your country. Describe the geographical position of your country in order to attract him.

20. You are going to write a letter to your friend from London. Tell him about the Independence Day and describe the national emblems of Ukraine.

21. You are an owner of a great enterprise in Ukraine. Highlight the advantages of the economic system in this country and possible business links with your foreign partners.

22. You are a leading Ukrainian politician and you are on a visit to France. Explain French people the political system of Ukraine.

23. You work as a guide with foreign tourists. Describe the places of historical interest in Kyiv – the capital of Ukraine.

24. You are taking part in the conference dedicated to the issue “The fundamental laws of European states”. Dwell upon the Constitution of Ukraine as the fundamental law of the country.

25. Your brother wants to visit Canada and meet with Canadian Ukrainians there. Tell him everything you know about Ukrainians outside of Ukraine.

Situations for the examination (Semester VIII)

1. Write a letter to the government highlighting the problems of pollution in Ukraine and definite actions that should be done against it.

2. You have just read an article devoted to the problem of pollution in Great Britain. Describe the noticeable points to your friend. What actions against pollution have been done there?

3. You are a resident of the USA and you have many friends in Ukraine. One of them needs help on some topics, i.e. he/she wonders about protection of nature in the USA. Discuss it with him/her.

4. Discuss the problem of global warming with your group mates at the lesson of geography.

5. Imagine that you are a teacher at school. Your task is to teach your pupils what a person can do to help the environment.

6. You are a member of Green Peace. Spread upon the global problems of environment as you view them.

7. You participate in a conference devoted to environmental protection. Propose your solutions of some environmental problems.

8. You are an independent reporter. Dwell on the state of environment in Ukraine as if you participate in a conference devoted to environmental protection.

9. You are a newspaper reporter. Write an article about the Chernobyl disaster.

10. You have to teach your child how to use water resources, how to care about the health etc. Describe the state of waters in Ukraine, the degree of water pollution.

11. You are taking part in the famous intellect show. The discussion is devoted to the problem of environmental pollution in the world. Express your point of view on this topic.

12. You have seen a documentary about environmental damage through history. Summarize what you have learnt about this topic.

13. You are a head of Zelenyi Svit department. Prepare an oral report on pollution control facilities in Ukraine.

14. Your friend doesn’t understand the notion “mass media”. Explain it to him.

15. Your groupmates doubt that mass media plays an important role in the contemporary world. Discuss this problem.

16. You have just returned from Britain. Tell your friends what newspapers the British read, what papers are the most popular.

17. You are an expert in the British press and you are interviewed. Try to forecast all possible questions and answer them in advance.

18. You have written the term paper about British broadcasting. Summarize it.

19. There is a variety of TV channels in Britain. Speak of the main channels and try to persuade the audience to watch them.

20. Recently you’ve visited the USA. You’ve noticed some peculiar features of American radio and television. Share your impressions about it.

21. Imagine that you are a first-time foreign visitor. Share your opinion about the Ukrainian mass media.

22. You are a TV expert and you are being interviewed. Dwell upon violence on TV and its influence on the behaviour of an individual.

23. You are a BBC journalist giving an interview. Dwell upon the influence of TV on people.

24. Your friend considers Ukrainian press to be dependent on the state authorities. Approve or disapprove his/her belief.

25. You work on TV. You are convinced that electronic media is the most powerful kind of mass influence.

Task 3. Translate the given extract into English.

В Україні існує демократична політична система. Найвищий виконавчий орган державної влади – це Кабінет міністрів України, відповідальний за втілення в життя законів, прийнятих парламентом. Український парламент називається Верховною Радою і складається з 450 депутатів, обраних на п’ятирічний термін. Голова парламенту обирається членами парламенту. Верховна Рада – найвищий орган законодавчої влади. Тут приймають закони, за якими живе наша країна. Судова влада здійснюється системою судів, найголовніший з яких – Верховний Суд. Президент – голова нашої країни, обирається на п’ятирічний термін громадянами країни на загальних виборах. Найважливішими політичними партіями є Партія Регіонів, партія Батьківщина, партія НУ-НС, партія Зелених та ін.


8.1. Basic literature:

1. Чумак Н. Б., Сташко Г. І. Посібник з англійської як другої іноземної мови для студентів IV курсу факультету перекладачів. – К.: Вид. Центр. КНЛУ, 2008. – 344 с.

2. Каушанская В. Л. Грамматика английского языка. Часть I. Морфология, 6-е издание. – М., 1998. – 314 с.

3. Каушанская В. Л. Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского язика. – М., 2000.– 213 с.

4. Evans V. Successful Writing. Intermediate. – Newbury: Express Publishing, 2000. – 151 p.

5. Falk R. Spotlight on the USA. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993. – 172 p.

6. O’Driscoll J. Britain. The Country and its people: An introduction for learners of English. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.

8.2. Additional literature:

1. Baker A. Ship or Sheep. An intermediate pronunciation course. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

2. Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise 4. Intermediate. – Newbury: Express Publishing, 2001. – 184 p.

3. Evans V. Successful Writing. Proficiency. – Newbury: Express Publishing, 2002. –177 p.

4. Gianotti J., Meleszwarcewicz S. Talking about the USA: An active introduction to American culture, 1993.

5. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

6. Wellman G. The Heineman English Wordbuilder. – Heinemann International, 1992. – 266 р.

7. Constitution of Ukraine. Official translation. – K.: Право, 1998. – 133 c.

8. Газети та журнали англійською та українською мовами.

9. Методичні розробки з домашнього читання.

8.3. Video.

1. Guide to Britain

2. Glimpses of Britain. London

3. Diana

4. Celebrated Cities of the USA

5. Focus on America

6. New York

7. Presidents

Grammar: “Tenses”

Phonetics: “Varieties of American English”

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